Saturday, June 7, 2014

Julie Rowe Discusses Her NDE Book "A Greater Tomorrow" With Mills Kershaw On KTKK

A discussion thread on LDS Freedom Forum alerted me to the existence of another LDS member who had a NDE/OBE (Near-Death Experience/Out-of-Body Experience). Julie Rowe had a NDE during an operation in 2004, but was initially forbidden from disclosing it to the general public. But she was eventually given permission to share her experience, which she does in her book entitled "A Greater Tomorrow". Some of those who've read it say there are many similarities with another NDE book entitled "Visions Of Glory" by John Pontius. FairMormon does disclose some caveats about Visions of Glory, though.

From the description on Amazon:

In 2004, Julie Rowe was a happy wife and mother. Then her health took a turn for the worse. While in a weakened state, her spirit left her body and entered the Spirit World. An ancestor named John greeted her and showed her many wonderful places there. He also allowed her to read from the Book of Life, which showed her a panorama of the earth's past, present, and future.

Julie saw the lives of many historical figures, such as Adam and Eve, Enoch, Noah, and Moses. She witnessed the Savior's mortal life, including his crucifixion and resurrection. She also saw the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ through the prophet Joseph Smith, and the key events that have led to the Church's growth.

Then Julie was shown upcoming world events that will be both tragic and glorious. She saw earthquakes, tsunamis, famines, plagues, and wars, but she also witnessed how the Lord is watching over His people and is preparing places of refuge to protect them from the coming calamities. Julie was filled with joy as she saw the Saints establish the New Jerusalem and other Cities of Light in preparation for the Savior's Second Coming.

Prior to her return, she was told that at a future time she would be expected to tell others about her experience. That time has come.

A few of the chapters are posted online:

-- Chapter 1, The Day I Left My Body: Describes Julie Rowe's illness and hospitalization.

-- Chapter 2, The Lake: Describes her initial encounter with John in the spirit world. John reminded Julie of the premortal existence and she was shown scenes from her premortal life, and some of the roles she played there. After being shown scenes of how distressed her husband would be upon her death, it was agreed upon that Julie would willingly go back to her body, but only after she was given a “tour” and was able to learn and see more for herself what really happens in the spirit world. She was shown the War in Heaven, as well as various scenes that have played out on earth throughout the history of mankind. John reminded her about the story of her birth and the difficulty her mother had while pregnant with her.

-- Chapter 9, Earthly Cities of Light: Although the U.S. was experiencing economic problems and a few small-scale disasters, no major catastrophes were on the horizon. Nevertheless, the LDS leadership scheduled a special meeting concerning preparedness that was broadcast. They also sent letters to stake presidents asking them to determine what supplies the Saints had and how much food storage they had. So meetings were held where local leaders passed out a list asking Church members to indicate the supplies they had available if needed. Then the invitation came from the prophet for Church members to gather at camps that had been prepared as places of refuge (some would become "cities of light"). However, most LDS members refused to even consider the idea of leaving their homes; only a small percentage of the members went to the camps, either because they did not have the faith, or they were not prepared. Individuals traveling to these places of refuge were observed to be getting gas at certain stops, but were urged to bypass major cities like Denver (specifically mentioned) because they were unsafe. Mormons and non-Mormons alike were at the camps.

But LDS Freedom Forum revealed that Julie Rowe was a guest on Mills Kershaw's Drive-Time show on KTKK in Salt Lake. The show turned out to be 2 hours and 54 minutes. Here's the MP3 link:

Because the program is nearly three hours long, I listened to it and have gleaned out what I considered the more interesting highlights. Julie Rowe is somewhat difficult to understand at times; she has the type of voice and enunciation that's difficult for me, but I do the best I can. Mills Kershaw was perfectly understandable. My remarks begin after the jump, and I refer to the time on the MP3 where the particular discussion took place:

-- At the 11:30 point, the discussion of her NDE begins; information beforehand is primarily background material. Julie said that the War In Heaven was both physical AND spiritual, and that earth life is a continuation of that war.

-- At the 21:00 point, Julie discussed the creation of the earth. She said the raw material came from other parts of the universe, and some of it is billions of years old, which explains why some scientists speculate that the earth itself is billions of years old. But although some of the raw material is billions of years old, the earth as a final product is much younger. She did not specify the earth's age.

-- At the 26:00 point, Julie discussed dinosaurs. She said that many scientists have incorrectly interpreted fossils and skeletons to create distorted images of dinosaurs. She said dinosaurs varied greatly in color. She specifically did not say whether or not dinosaurs and humans overlapped.

-- At the 31:00 point, she starts to discuss her visit to a hall of records. She researched Christopher Columbus and discovered that Columbus and many of his peers already knew the world was round, so he did not make his voyage to prove the earth was round. She said that the records she saw indicate many lies have been told about the Founding Fathers, all of who were foreordained to their earthly missions.

-- At the 39:00 point, she discusses Adam & Eve. She said that even after they were ejected from the Garden of Eden, Adam held the High Priesthood and obeyed the higher law. She confirmed that Adam & Eve had many children before Cain & Abel, and they were initially righteous. Julie discussed Cain, and differentiated between the Mark of Cain and the Curse of Cain. She said the Curse of Cain was that he had his Priesthood power removed, but that Cain could have repented at any time had he chosen to do so. Instead, Cain continued to sin, and she observed him turning darker in pigmentation, which has been described by earlier LDS authorities as the Mark of Cain. This mark was intended to discourage Adam's other progeny from procreating with Cain's descendants and losing their Priesthood.

-- Beginning at the 44:00 point and continuing for around five minutes, Julie discussed Noah. She said that Noah had a strong spirit and was one of the most brave, loving and courageous men she has seen. She said that building the ark was a monumental task, but reminded us that he had 120 years to finish it. Noah was depressed by the fact that as he continued to build the ark, his extended family began to turn away from him and reject him. She said the ark was larger than any other sailing vessel she's ever seen, describing it as having a flat top with a small entrance on top. She noted that there were smaller windows along the sides towards the top. She said that while some of the animals reported to the ark, others had to be gathered; this process took several months. The animals' bodies were slightly changed so they didn't need as much food as normal.

-- At the 1:01:00 point, Julie discussed Abraham & Isaac. She said Isaac was at least 30 years old when the Lord commanded Abraham to sacrifice him, and that Isaac actually helped Abraham gather the wood for the sacrificial fire. It was intended to be a test of faith for both of them. At the 1:05:00 point, Julie also confirmed the Biblical account of Joseph.

-- Beginning at the 1:05:00 point and continuing for about 15 minutes, Julie described Mary, the Mother of Jesus, saying that she had olive skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair. She said Joseph and Mary produced additional children. She also described Jesus as very masculine in appearance, but also tender and loving. She said Renaissance painters wrongly portrayed Jesus as effeminate. She also said that when Jesus was taking upon Himself the sins of the world at Gethsemane, numerous angels and other beings from the spirit world were witnessing it from the other side of the veil.

-- At the 1:43:00 point, Julie said she was shown the Restoration in the Book of Records, and basically it verifies the traditional correlated account we have today.

Then beginning at the 2:00:00 mark, Julie begins to talk about present-day and future events. A reminder -- most future prophecy is conditional -- we can repent and deflect expected judgments. Don't forget that Nineveh actually repented the first time Jonah warned them.

-- At the 2:10:00 point, Julie said that the 2008 U.S. Presidential election was stolen. Later, in this same vein (around 2:44:00), she said that the next U.S. President won't be better than the current occupant. She gave no hint as to the gender, race, or party affiliation of the next President.

-- Continuing after these remarks, Julie said a huge financial collapse is coming to the U.S. which will include nationwide bank closures. Later in the same vein (2:18:00), she said that while paper money will continue to be used for a while after collapse, it will soon lose its value, to be supplanted by precious metals and then bartering.

-- Foreign conflict: Julie said that at least one missile will be launched at Israel from Libya, but that Iran would be behind it. A missile will strike the Temple Mount and destroy the current structures, clearing the way for construction of the Third Temple.

-- At the 2:13:00 point, Julie said the U.S. government will make an agreement with the United Nations allowing entry of foreign troops into the United States for peacekeeping and disaster relief to make up for American troops stationed all over the world. An alliance of Russian, Chinese, and North Korean troops with enter the United States under the pretext of "restoring order"; while they initially will pretend to be sympathetic towards ordinary Americans, they will stab us in the back.

-- At the 2:43:00 point, Julie said a great earthquake will strike the Wasatch Front, explaining that homes would tumble off mountainsides and large underground streams of water will break loose, triggering flooding.

-- At the 2:46:00 point, Julie said a huge fireball will hit the earth, but she did not specify whether it would be an asteroid or comet, and offered no further details.


Greg Weichers said...

I listened to the radio conversation, along with read her book. It was an incredible experience she had, and I believe it was meant to be a warning to all that she is able to share with. The great thing is that the Holy Ghost is available to us to validate or not validate. I appreciate her sharing this amazing experience with us. I don't recall anything that goes against gospel doctrine, or revelation from prophets and apostles. May we all prepare for His coming and do all we can to help one another.

Anonymous said...

I bought a book about spirits and ghosts and it had photographs that were unexplained and stories about peoples experiences with spirits/ghosts.

The cover creeped me out after a while so I gave the book to someone but now wish I would have kept it.
The reason I should have kept it was there was a story in it from the early 1900's about a five/six year old girl who was ill and of course doctors could do nothing. The girl told her parents not to be sad because she saw Heaven. The girl also said she had a friend who was waiting for her and would help her get to Heaven. Her parents were sceptical and asked her a lot of questions. The girl described what was going on in Heaven. It sounded exactly what LDS believe is going on in Heaven. The girl said everyone was busy, and she saw her Grandfather and he could not spend much time with her but told her when she returns he would meet her. She said people were busy writing, and some were teaching, and some were being taught. The parents finally believed the girl because she never knew her Grandfather and she described him perfectly. She told her parents not to be sad because there were a lot of people who knew her and loved her that were waiting for her.
To me it was a fascinating story.

Anonymous said...

She was on the radio again yesterday. I don't have the link but the interview was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

you can hear the interviews via click on archives and then on mills then on her interviews

Anonymous said... has more experiences like hers.

Anonymous said...

This is so silly, a compilation of all the other NDE's from RKY and AVOW, plus a few dino comments that are completely silly. Then she's oh so cryptic "I know lots more but just can't tell you". Bah.

Anonymous said...

I'm half way through and don't think I can stomach the rest. This is as bad as Visions of Glory - someone's attempt to interpret scriptural events through the fancies of their own mind.

Anonymous said...

Those who are skeptical better be careful. In Joel and in Peter of the bible it prophesies that in the last days before Christ comes, ordinary people will dream dreams, have revelations, and prophecy to prepare the hearts and minds of Gods children so that when the Prophet gives final instruction we will be ready. I went to the Logan tabernacle and saw Julie personally address a congregation. I can tell you wholeheartedly that she did have this experience. Those of you who mock her are essentially mocking Gods warnings. Like I said, be careful.

Unknown said...

Her book is amazing and a gift in my life given the number of people around me who have passed on who were very close to me while I try to seek understanding. There were many places I had questions and am glad she's coming out with her second book.

You nonbelievers probably didn't even finish the book. I felt the spirit of God. She is an honest person.

Anonymous said...

41 He also quoted the second chapter of Joel, from the twenty-eighth verse to the last. He also said that this was not yet fulfilled, but was soon to be. And he further stated that the fulness of the Gentiles was soon to come in. He quoted many other passages of scripture, and offered many explanations which cannot be mentioned here. (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith—History, Joseph Smith—History 1)

KLD said...

I have read Julie's book and listened to her radio broadcasts numerous times. The reason for numerous times is because I find that I glean something different and clearer each time I read or listen. For the last several years I have been seeking answers to questions about being being better prepared for the comming times. I have listened to our Church leaders and have tried to supplement their instruction by seeking further and more current information. We are each entitled to our own revelation. All we have to do is ask. I have asked and been told, that for me and my family, the time to complete our preparations, both spiritually and temparally is now! Starting with Chapter Nine in her book and continuing until the end was most important to me. I found that her second radio appearance had a clearer audio, and information that was more inportant to my family. I will close my remarks by giving some comments from her August 23, 2014 visit and gathering in Mesa, AZ. She told us that in 2 (two) years this October things will start shaking up. In 3 (three) years, we will be in camps. My family and I feel a strong admonition to follow that advice. If we are right, we will be far better prepared for what ever happens. If we are wrong, we will be better prepared for when it does happen. Remember the wise and foolish virgins? It's better to be a few days early, that one minuet late. I don't believe that our Heavenly Father opperates on "Mormon Standard Time".

Anonymous said...

Julie Rowe has no authority to deliver her message. I don't doubt that she had an experience, but she has no authority to share it. Revelations about the 2nd coming have always come from God to the Prophet. The following from the Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual is instructive:

"On 6 April 1830 the Lord instructed the Saints about the channel through which revelation would come to build Zion. He said, speaking of the President of the Church, “Him have I inspired to move the cause of Zion in mighty power” (D&C 21:7). This instruction was difficult for some of the Saints to follow. Many had come from religious backgrounds that permitted any member of the congregation to proclaim doctrine for the entire assembly. Yet on the day the Church was organized, the Lord taught the principle that only one person has the right to receive revelation for the entire Church. Even by September 1830 the Saints had not fully learned this lesson, for many believed in the revelations of Hiram Page.

In February 1831 it became necessary for the Lord to further instruct the Saints on this matter. Section 43 was given in response to the activity of a Mrs. Hubble, who “came making great pretensions of revealing commandments, laws and other curious matters” (History of the Church, 1:154). John Whitmer recorded the following about Mrs. Hubble: “She professed to be a prophetess of the Lord, and professed to have many revelations, and knew the Book of Mormon was true, and that she should become a teacher in the church of Christ. She appeared to be very sanctimonious and deceived some who were not able to detect her in her hypocrisy; others, however, had the spirit of discernment and her follies and abominations were manifest.” (History of the Church, 1:154n.)

Mrs. Hubble was one of many who falsely claimed revelations to guide the Church or to correct the Prophet. In a discourse in Ogden, Utah, Elder George A. Smith gave several examples of the problem and said: “There was a prevalent spirit all through the early history of this church, which prompted the Elders to suppose that they knew more than the Prophet. Elders would tell you that the Prophet was going wrong.” (In Journal of Discourses, 11:7.) Many members became confused and bewildered by the different claims. Under these circumstances the Prophet went to the Lord for guidance and received the revelation recorded as Doctrine and Covenants 43."

Section 43 has very important language: "And this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teachings of any that shall come before you as revelations or commandments; And this I give unto you that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me." (D&C 43:5-6)

Let us all not be deceived. This type of sensationalism creates confusion, unrest, uneasiness, and leads people to make decisions that might not be what God wants them to do. If God wanted us to know more about the times preceding the 2nd coming, he would have told us through either the scriptures or modern revelation through His prophet. Personal revelations are just that: personal.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry G but you are just plain wrong. The bible prophesies that before Christ comes again, ordinary people will receive revelations. There are many who deceive, that is true. Julie is not one. Denver Snuffer is a deceiver because he contradicts doctrine and puts himself above the prophet and apostles. Julie Rowe sustains the prophet and apostles and says that she has no stewardship. She is obeying The Lord by delivering the message he has told her to share. The Prophet and Apostles number one assignment is to cry repentance and testify of Christ. They cannot stand from the pulpit and tell millions of followers that they need to get their preparations together as soon as they can. Can you imagine the panic that would ensue and the criticism the church would come under from outside religions? What Julie Rowe is saying is nothing new. It follows what we have been taught to do for over a hundred years. We are being warned through his children that the time is close, but we have been hearing we are in the last days from the prophets and apostles for years. My advice to people that are refuting her message is to rethink your stand. Prepare as you can temporally without fear but with faith. And give gratitude to God for not leaving us alone and for letting us know that the time is short from his messengers, whomever he chooses them to be.

Anonymous said...

Oh and one last thing "G", Julie Rowe does have authority to share her message. Authority from the Lord himself. Tread lightly and do not mock his word.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yes, and she is making a lot of money by "sharing" this message. People who make money by selling their stories bring up a big red flag in my mind,

Captain said...

Julie makes less than $.50 per book. Julie ALSO has strongly said to FOLLOW THE PROPHETS. She received personal revelation for herself, not others. She has graciously shared her experience with us. I heard a lady 7 years ago give an almost identical story such as Julie's and said certain things would happen that never happened on the timetable she provided. That's not to say it won't happen, however. Listen to and follow the prophets. Prepare. Prepare in faith, not fear. Anonymous - Prophets and apostles write books and certainly those make some kind of profit but that in no way raises red flags for me. Most of the people who have these experiences on the other side of the veil are not making a lot of money as you stipulate. They care more about getting their message out and therefore get very little money.

Unknown said...

Julie claims to have authority to share her message, but the Lord has already told us how he would guide his church. Prophets throughout the ages certainly have told of imminent destruction that would come. God does not change. It is wrong to take one passage of scripture and single it out from all others that have been said on the subject. Tread lightly and be not deceived.

Anonymous said...

You can call me Anon13

This is a great blog. Thank you.

You commented on Julie's statement about the question of the next President that needs to be clarified because you didn't quite get your comment correct.

"At the 2:10:00 point, Julie said that the 2008 U.S. Presidential election was stolen. Later, in this same vein (around 2:44:00), she said that the next U.S. President won't be better than the current occupant. She gave no hint as to the gender, race, or party affiliation of the next President."

If you go back and listen to her statement, she never mentions anything about the next President, only that the Gadianton Robbers are alive and well. Does that mean there will or won't be a next President?

I don't believe there will be. There are other prophecies that indicate there won't be.

Anonymous said...

I have read this book. In my view it's complete nonsense. I am truly amazed that anyone with a brain cell could be taken in by it. In fact, there are ameba on Saturn that can clearly identify this as a hoax!
The saints are so gullible.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, G. While she may have had an experience, and it may even be interesting or instructive to some, we can trust that everything we need to know to prepare for the second coming will come from our Prophet. Have they told us to be prepared? Yes.Have a year's supply of food, ample financial reserve, and skills and education to provide for yourself in the future. These are all things we have heard from them.
I'm completely ok with her story but I don't feel like I have to take it as scripture or doctrine or revelation for the church. That comes from the scriptures and the Prophet.

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father is rooting for Christianity. Christian religions have guarded the Judeo Christian faith against satanic forces for many centuries. Julie Rowe's information is there for all who would take note. It is not appropriate for any one church to spread contention within Christianity by specific declarations of belief. Let us all unite in following Jesus Christ's gospel and Heavenly Father will enlighten us in due course. The Roman Catholic Church has a many thousands of believers now after a couple of thousand years as have other faiths. Let us stand together against those trials to bring to fruition God's plan that we may learn wisdom.
By my own exploration and research I have gained specific information which verifies much of the detail in her talks and book and there is no reason to doubt a single word of it. It just adds weight to what I know for certain already.

suemax said...

I read her book and there were some major doctrinal errors in it. One being that the Tower of Babel, was not a tower, but was a temple built by Nimrod who, because his grandfather, Ham, had stolen it from Noah. Abraham was sacrificed on that altar by order of Nimrod, although it failed. ("Blessings of Abraham:Becoming a Zion People" by E. Douglas Clark- superior research of 30 years on the life of Abraham)

The next error is that the 10 lost tribes have been spread throughout the world and have been gathered here by our forefathers, and then into the church.That is all through the scriptures and there is written research as to where many have gone and how their names have changed- they became lost to the knowledge of who they are, but we are their descendants.

The third problem I see with it is that the land rising out of the Gulf of Mexico is what most scholars have thought to be the place of the City of Enoch that left the earth.

The fourth problem is that the church has repeatedly told us that there is no one anti-Christ- that the Anti-Christ represents all systems that fight against the Gospel.

The rest of the book simply comes out of scriptures, prophesy, dreams of prophets forewarning of the future, with a bit of dystopian ideas in it from books written by LDS authors.

I have read plenty of near death experience books, and they rang true, and I was highly bored and disappointed with this one. Of course we need to prepare. We have know that for years. And we know trouble is beginning- read the conference talks, and good sources of news.

It is an interesting book if you are not a student of the scriptures or have not read any books by major church scholars. The tsohar stones of Noah are mentioned in the footnotes of the OT story of Noah.

So- I am sorry that I bothered to buy the book.

suemax said...

correction- Ham stole his father's garment which had belonged to Adam. This was passed down to Nimrod. Nimrod felt he had the authority to rule the world and he was the antagonist of Abraham, whom he tried to have killed.

Anonymous said...

Mormons while trying to be open-minded are SO GULLIBLE. If NO ONE knows when the 2nd coming will be because he will come as a thief in the night, HOW can Ms Rowe claim that it will be during her lifetime? It's contradictory to Mormon doctrine. Others Patriarchal blessings reveal the same. Couldn't be. Don't be taken by this MYSTICAL Tale.

Anonymous said...

To the person who commented last about the gullible mormons... You obviously are not scripturally knowledgable. The scripture says to those who are NOT prepared and NOT watching for the signs, that Christ will come as a thief in the night. However if you are watching for the signs and are preparing, you may know the season of his return just not the hour. The signs are all around us and prophecies are being fulfilled at an accelerated rate. Julie Rowe never says what hour Christ will return. She is just helping those who are watching to recognize that the season is getting closer. Read your scriptures!

Anonymous said...

People on this site that have posted negative comments about Julie Rowe or anyone else that speaks about the time of Christ's return being close are just plain unenlightened. I could refute every single negative comment here with scriptural references. I don't have the inclination or time for that. Seriously, read your scriptures and smarten up. You are embarrassing examples of Latter Day Saints. We are ABSOLUTELY entitled and EXPECTED to know the season of Christ's return. If you don't know when that season is, then you do not have a close enough relationship with God. Better hurry up because we are just years away now.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Anonymous... When you are in the throws of that MYSTICAL tale, you have only yourself to blame for your ignorance.

Anne Asher said...

I think people of most Christian religions can see the writing on the wall. We will be deceived and led astray during this time. I would use Julie only as a caution not an exact of events. We still have prophets seers and revelators at the head of this church. They will not lead us astray and we still have personal prophesy. Amos 3:7 repeats continually is my head when these things come out. Perhaps she did receive this revelation for herself. I am cautioned at the spreading it with others. Either way rather than holding on to it as scripture I would get on my knees and pray for clarity and continue to do as the prophets have proclaimed.....prepare said...

If she had this experience in September of 2004, Why was she on LDSAVOW in the Spring of '04 talking about the same things in the context of a "Dream" she had?

Anonymous said...

How come she didn't tell in 2004? Because she was told that it wasn't the time. She suffered for almost 10 years with her knowledge. It was a lonely and difficult time for her but she obeyed God. The scriptures and the Prophets words are the ones I will follow. I will also heed the advice to prepare no matter who says so. Julie Rowe is just another additional witness. I am not equating Julie by any means to the Prophet Joseph Smith but he received revelations and thus far things are playing out exactly the way they are written. Julie says nothing against church doctrine, but history always repeats itself. Some listen and some will not. I have nothing to lose by heeding her advice but an infinite to lose if I don't. When all is said and done, I talk to God and gather my instruction there. He has impressed upon my mind that Julie speaks the truth. He has also impressed upon my mind that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God and that President Monson is the true prophet at this time. I feel very blessed.

Anonymous said...

REwest, How do you know she was on LDS Avow in the spring of 2004? I am genuinely interested in that information. Please provide proof. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

She was not on AVOW then. She has said in her radio interviews that her NDE was in 2004, but that she has had many dreams since that time as well, what she called,"reminder dreams" of some of what she was shown. Go listen to her interviews. Read her second book. She spells it out very clearly. She was not given permission to discuss her NDE until the designated time, but she did have permission from the Lord to tell about some of her dreams. There are all kinds of lies being told about her and you just can't believe everything you read on the internet. Some people are spreading lies intentionally to discredit her story. She is the real deal. Doesn't it make you wonder why so many people seem to want to disregard or spread false accusations? Why so much opposition unless there really is truth in her message. What's in it for her? I know for a fact that not only has she not made much money off of her books, she has given so many away for free to friends and family and others and has spent so much of her own time and money on travel etc. that she is actually in the negative financially. So, why do that? Some may claim notoriety. You must not know her well then. She highly values her privacy. What does she get out of it? People spreading false accusations, lies and rumors about her, persecution, threats, and all of the stuff that comes with going public with something so personal. I sure wouldn't want to be in her shoes. No thank you. Not worth it. Unless she truly did feel it was something the Lord had asked her to do, and then she does it because she loves the Lord and she wants to help as many of her brothers and sisters as she can. That's her love and to help and to serve.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne Asher,
Julie was told to tell of her experience. Which makes sense to me if God is no respecter of persons. Does he love Julie Rowe more then you or me? Does he want to save just Julie and her family? That's not the Heavenly Father I know. Julie Rowe's spiritual gift may be that of revelation. That is wonderful and I am so glad she is willing to tell her story through God's commands so that those who will listen can be prepared.

Anonymous said...

I have found that those who balk at Julie Rowe, are the ones who are not prepared, don't want to leave the comforts of their life. and don't want to hear about it. And I'm not being mean. Trust me, I am not too excited about living up in the mountains for several years. Have I mentioned I hate camping? I am mostly not excited about the fact that the two children that have left the church, I will most likely never see again until Christ comes, if they survive, or when I die. I cannot even conceive of that. But I have chosen my master and I will go where he tells me to go.

Anonymous said...

This is an urgent question for Julie. I have not been able to find an email address through which I can write to her directly and privately. Hopefully, she reads these comments and will run onto this one so we can have an answer.
Question: Some people may have been inspired to begin their preparations years ago and are prepared with a place to go and every needful provision in place there. However, because of occupational requirements and/or other concerns such as being close to and helping family members with their needs, they have chosen to remain in the big city up to this time. Has Julie
been shown anything regarding the following dilemmas? Should one in the above described situation move to his/her refuge early(that is, now), before everything hits the fan? Or, should one wait for the meeting to be called by the Brethren and then go to the refuge? Or, should one shun his/her place of refuge altogether and remain with his/her big city ward/stake authorities so as to stay in the loop for light and instruction as they receive it from above even though the place of refuge is within ward and stake boundaries(This is a question regarding showing loyalty to sustained leaders and trying not to offend the Lord thus losing access to what is revealed in the church sponsored camps and cities of light).

Anonymous said...

I believe that Julie is telling the truth. What she says goes alone with the timing of the Shemitah/Sabbath year that Jonathan Cahn talks about in his book called "The Mystery of the Shemitah". He explains that if the nation is faithful, the people are blessed during the period of Shemitah rest. If not, there is great tribulation in the land. America as a nation is not being faithful, and we are in for some serious shaking, as we are in a Shemitah/Sabbath period right now. To be followed by a Jubilee Shemitah starting in the fall of next yr. Ck. him out on the web for more details.

Anonymous said...

Bro.s and sisters, ck out Jonathan Cahn's bk call "The Mystery of the Shemitah" to see that what Julie Rowe is telling us goes right along with the time line of the Sabbath/Shemitah we are now in. Which is to be followed by a Jubilee Shemitah that will rock this nation to it core!!! Let's keep the Faith and do our part to prepare and aid our friends and families to do the same.

Sisterly Love said...

Interesting blog on Julie's book and radio interview. I must have missed some of the interview, especially the part when she talks of the age of the earth. While taking geology courses at Rick's college, back in the early 80's, I learned that the Prophet Joseph Smith declared the earth was 4.3 billion years old. Unfortuantely I can not find the source of that quote that was given to me by my professor. Anyone know where that quote can be found? I find it possibly contradicts what julie said about the age of the earth, but maybe not really as she never stated how old she felt the earth was, but Joseph Smith was way ahead of the game because the earth's predicted age by modern scientists only confirms what the Prophet Joseph Smith said long before them. As for Julie's other claims, I too am in disagreement with the brother calling her a false prophet. She doesn't claim, never has claimed, never will claim to be a prophet speaking for the church, unlike the Sister he quoted during the time of Joseph Smith. She does NOT claim to speak for the church or the First Presidency. She does nothing but tell us to FOLLOW THE PROPHETS and one thing they've been telling us to do is BE PREPARED. I will say I felt some anxiety about my current state of preparedness and I even convinced my hubby to read her second book and that same concern hit him as well. So we are doing just as Julie REMINDED us to do when it comes to personal preparation...we are praying about it and getting our OWN personal revelation in the matter. We are trying to move forward with out fear and plan our lives as best we can in the event nothing so horrible happens as Julie has seen, but just in case it gets that way, we want to be prepared. Since reading her book ISIS has become extremely powerful and committed, Korea just yesterday says it wants to open "talks" with the US...SCARY, and of course Russia and China have and always will be in bed together to find a way to bring America into their communist fold. Anyone who believes Russia is still not Communist minded needs their head examined. I for one am not inclined to call Julie a prophet in the sense of "Prophet for the church" but as we ALL know...anyone can prophesy when they are filled with the spirit of Christ, I didn't find reading her firstbook very spiritually uplifting, but when I listened to her on the K-Talk radio interview I was impressed. She refused to push any commerical companies selling preparedness food and encouraged people to use the church's canning facilities. She understands that people will call her a false prophet and will not believe. She doesn't let that stop her from sharing what God asked her to share. Paul was NOT the prophet after Christ died, yet he WAS called of God to testify of Christ and he DID prophesy. Many Jewish followers in the early church did nto believe Paul's conversion at first and felt he was not a real convert but was pretending and they feared him. Time proved otherwise and that's all we can give Julie's words...time. Be Prepared and then don't be surprised if a meeting is called for us to gather. Being friends of mine were told many many years ago by a head temple Presidency member in Manti that the saints there were told to prepare to house many of the Lords people on their lands...I kind of feel like Julie's not faking. ...for many shall have visions and dreams, little children and "women also". If she's faking and making a big buck (not likely seriously) than those who listened to her will have a better supply of food anyway, no worse for the wear.

Robin Hood said...

Julie Rowe is a deceiver, and she knows it.

She's just the latest in a long line of such deceivers, but I'm quite sure she won't be the last.

I've calculated she's made around $300,000 so far.

Anonymous said...

Oh no not Robinhood. Julie Rowe is not a deceiver, you are.

Anonymous said...

Just a warning to those who are reading the comments on this blog. Robinhood is a person who likes to create drama and skepticism around Julie Rowes experiences. He is quite the troublemaker and is going to rue the day he spoke out against her. I know Julie Rowe is being honest as it has been confirmed to me. Be aware that she has been told by the spirit that middle of this February and into March there will be some sort of a biological attack. If this takes place then I would like to see what Robinhood has to say about that. Robinhood is the ultimate deceiver and has his own personal issues as to why he continually seeks to discredit Julie.

Blackhawk911 said...

Mid-february, early march? I've read the books and don't recall this timeline you provide. Can you enlighten me on that, please? I've also heard other people who have had experiences like Julie say similar things that would have happened years ago and never did. They've since apostatized, FYI. I'm VERY leery of timelines.

Anonymous said...

I'm very leery of timelines too. In fact, thinking about Sarah Menet that said it was all going to happen in the late 70s. Here we are 40 years later... I believe Julie 100 percent but I dont believe she knows the timeline.

Anonymous said...

There is a blogger at that published Julie rowes posts on Avow before her book came out and throughout the last year. They are very interesting and that's where she talks about a biological attack.

Anonymous said...

The biological attack she talks about was actually suppose to happen last February and March. People are now being critical of Julie because they surmise it never happened. Looking back to that time period is when the Syrian government was accused of using chemical warfare on their own people. Remember the pictures of all of those poor people suffering and dying? There are some that say our government was in on it. I wouldn't be surprised. Just because it didn't happen in America, doesn't mean Julie was wrong. I am sure that that attack was a precursor to what will inevitably happen here in the States. The Kurdish victims are all children of God and just as important to him as anyone else in this planet. I feel Julie Rowe was spot on.

Anonymous said...

Or it could be the Ebola outbreak too. That must definitely could be an intentional man made attack. A trial run so to speak before the huge pandemic. Things are happening for sure and it is only going to get worse.

Blackhawk911 said...

"Things are happening for sure and it is only going to get worse."

Every time I hear people say this (over the pulpit or in small group discussions in person) they have this very smug look on their face as though they are so pleased with desolation and that somehow they will be spared from it. Every NDE I have read has been a message of HOPE, not despair as this line above captures. Stop trying to rationalize events that people say will happen (for example, the person who said a biological attack would have happened last year during Feb/March) as being the "ebola" outbreak or anything that has happened anywhere else. Instead, recognize that man's AGENCY has so much to do with everything. Things CAN and DO change all the time based upon how mankind exercises their agency. I have spoken with an individual who had an NDE and has written 3 or 4 books about their experience and she acknowledged this, too. She said things and events are contingent upon man's agency. When we choose to do the right, we are greatly blessed. When we choose wrong, we experience some kind of punishment. It would be good to devote some time to studying about the Liahona. Remember that. Too many people are spreading fear from what Julie has said and written, and they are sifting themselves on the wrong side here. Instead of spreading fear (as many on this thread try to do, purposefully or accidentally, and on other threads/blogs/facebook) spread HOPE and FAITH. Make comments out of charity. The future is great and beautiful. I am not naive to how Satan has been ruling on this earth with blood and horror, by the way. He has been doing it for a VERY LONG TIME. Study history and you will see that nothing happening today hasn't already happened. For hundreds of years people have thought that the time when Christ would return would happen in their time (the Reformation, WWI, American Civil War, the Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II, the Crusades, the Pilgrims, Reign of Terror and many others). Live and walk by faith, not fear. If you have read or listened to Julie at all, you know that we MUST prepare out of faith. Satan, not Christ, is the author of fear. Always has been, always will be. We would all be wise to remember that. Next time any of us feel inclined to spread fear, remember that you have chosen a side that will NOT win and you have aligned yourself with darkness.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That she sells her story brings her motives in to question. You will remember that prophets were forbidden to write about the end. It was John the revelatory who was given the responsibility. So, now it is Julie's mission from God to do,so? be careful not to be so gullible.

Anonymous said...

If you've read Sarah Menet's book about her NDE, you will see they are very similar, almost identical in their predictions. Except Sarah had hers in 1979 and predicted the meteor would hit in 2012. The one date she "asked" about during her NDE. Oops. Did we avoid that because of our righteousness? If we are in tune, we will recognize the signs of the times and we won't need NDE predictions to clue us in. NDEs are for those who are looking for a sign, instead of what they have already been given. Don't get sucked in.

Unknown said...

That is a question for the Lord, not Julie. She saw what was applicable to HER. What is applicable to me may be different. I will prepare my heart and home to do whatever the Lord asks me to do when the time comes. Don't rely on Julie to tell you what exactly to do. Only personal revelation will do that.

Unknown said...

I am not going to argue with what has been said on this blog, but as I read through it and some of the comments I got a very uneasy feeling in my heart. I believe that we need to read and listen to the Prophets words. Julie Rowe might be right, but she is not the one on the watch tower, President Monson is and I will look to him for guidance,

Anonymous said...

That. And a book deal. Funny that her prophedy isn't being spread through a free document. You'd think something this important....well I suppose thinking went right out the window.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't believe her either. I've studied NDE's extensively, and hers is highly questionable. Listening to her sets off my BS-O-Meter.

BTW, several of you have stated that we must "FOLLOW THE PROPHET". You should be following Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit instead -- and NOT trusting I the "arm of flesh". Are you not aware that Pres. Monson is suffering from dementia? This is who you believe you should be following?

Anonymous said...

If Julie's message doesn't resonate with you then it probably isn't for you. God has a plan for each one of his children and yours is different from someone else's. Julie's family is suppose to go to places of refuge. Your neighbor's plan may be to pass to the other side to help or to be tutored. God doesn't give more information then what you are ready for. In this case I am scared and comforted in feeling that I need to prepare to go to places of refuge. I want to be safe but I don't want to spend 7 years in the mountains. If I only had myself to worry about it would be a gift to die quickly in a natural disaster and go to the other side. But I have a husband and children and I want to be there for them.. Also living in the millennial times sounds fantastic.

Anonymous said...

To the person that cautioned following President Monson in spite of his dementia I have this to say. President Uchtdorf addressed that question in the last general conference. He said the prophet and apostles work together to make decisions through fasting and prayer. If the prophet has moments where he is not capable then there are many other qualified and worthy men that do. That shouldn't be a concern at all.

Ken Harmon said...

My Bishop always cautions that we be careful not to assume motive in others. What gain does Julie have from putting her message out there? Obviously ridicule by some but gratitude by most. She understands that her wages come from the Lord and not man.

This is no new emphasis people, just a clarion call to hear and hearken ... to listen and obey. There are many things competing for our attention and the Lord should not be one of them. We as members, should be His captive audience.

To those that that double their efforts they'll be all-the-more ready to serve. And that's the driver in my comment brothers and sisters -- when all things are in chaos, when the tribulation comes ... we will need quiet minds, tempered hearts and clean hands to minister. Greatest among your provisions is the fire of faith.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I look at your churches bookstore and most of your leaders write and sell books for money. So you must have a lot of red flags in your mind.

Unknown said...

Realize, her message isn't for everyone. If only 50% of her message is true. Then by not listening and doing "my sheep shall hear my voice". You have just sifted yourself. There is a pattern in the scripture, know it and understand it. Why are we any different. Who was Ester! I am here not because I listened to any soothsayers, but to the spirit, recognizing truth vs. error.

Concerned said...

Whether true or not, what are we supposed to do with the information? Do we do something more than the recommended preparation the Church of Jesus Christ tells us to do? In reading posts and Julie's commentary it is hard to tell. Though the implication is clear - don't live in Denver, or the west coast, don't visit Yellowstone (from an interview), don't go to graduate school or the military (events are very soon), do move away from the east coast, martial law after the 2016 election (interview also) etc. I don't understand the reason for the strong implication to do these things, yet the Apostles have not said to do these things. So what is the point? Do what the Church has said for decades? Does Julie want us to make life changing decisions to accommodate these details now? If that is the case it would come from the authority of the Church.

Anonymous said...

Where are you getting this information about Julie saying those things? I'd like the link so I can listen for myself and not someone's interpretation of what Julie said. I'm w you: The info will come from the sustained prophets and apostles. They've encouraged us to get degrees and plan our lives and live our lives. I don't doubt Julie and I appreciate her testimony, but I'd like the link where what she said came out of HER mouth about not living in the east, not going to graduate school(s), not visiting Yellowstone and so forth. I'm intrigued by that bc I've never heard her say they...

Unknown said...

I've read all of Julie's books, heard her radio broadcasts, and spoken to her personally several times. I'm confident she would say we are each entitled to receive personal revelation and that she would encourage each person to do so and get their own revelation for what things to do to be prepared. Her witness is simply evidence that people need to soberly approach the Lord about. Gain your own clarification. I have. She has never claimed to be a spokeswoman for the Church. But like us all, she can be a witness to her own experiences and feels compelled to warn people of what she has seen and experienced--at least the portion she thinks will be useful to others. There is much she keeps to herself.

Anybody reading here has a personal responsibility to investigate and choose what they will believe. Do your own investigation and inquire of the Lord yourself. I have done so and received my own witness. And now, I give you my witness that God does hear and answer prayers when we are sincere and ask with faith. Every person has this right to inquire and recieve guidance from God.

Anonymous said...

Alan- thank you for that! I believe Julie. All she's done for me is inspire to be better, be kinder, be more like the Savior. Her testimony has inspired and ignited my testimony of the Savior. All else she says, while interesting, is trivial. I've gone to Father and feel peace moving forward. No fear. I will live my life as though it will go on as is, but will be fervently working to constantly approve myself and be just like the savior. That is the essence, in my opinion, from Julie's account(s). My family has been blessed as a result of her courage.

Anonymous said...

I have a really good friend that read Julie's books.. Since reading them she is studying to become certified in The Emotion Code and Body Code, I have seen a real change in her that is not for the good. I read Julie's book " A greater Tomorrow" I prayed about it and felt that I was told to stay away from books and things like that... I shared that with my friend and she said to me " Maybe the message isn't for you" If it truly is a message from our Father in Heaven wouldn't it be for everyone?

Anonymous said...

President Benson talked about the coming destructions frequently and at great lengths. He was a prophet of God. I completely believe him and feel inspired that we are entering said times. Before I heard anything about Julie Rowe I began feeling this push to get fully prepared with food and clothing. Although I had been doing this since 1995, the pressing feeling was impossible to ignore. Last spring when I first heard of Julie Rowe I immediately felt that she is a true messenger for God. I also had my feelings confirmed that the time is short. I think that all of this focus on Julie is being blown out of proportion. I don't understand the need to question her and get defensive about her. She has a really SIMPLE message. It is not difficult or complicated. It is pure and good. She has said over and over again she is not a prophet and has no stewardship over the saints, she is simply passing on a message she was told to give. The adversary is the one who is encouraging people to question her motives and her message. The adversary does not want anyone to get prepared. He wants everyone to disbelieve prophets, God, Christ, and simple messengers. The feeling of fear and anger come from the adversary, not God. Those feelings are the ones that halt the work and progress. People need not make this harder then it has to be. The future may be really hard for awhile until it gets glorious. But then life never was meant to be easy. Go forward in faith. Prepare and continue to live life, thats all.

Anonymous said...

I just think those who get defensive and mad don't want to leave their cushy homes, nice cars, good food etc... I know I don't! Thats why i get mad. Just being honest. I don't want her to be true. I don't want it to happen in my lifetime. Maybe she's right, maybe not. I don't want to go but i guess if its that or getting killed i will go. Darn

Anonymous said...

Jordan Maxwell exposes the truth that Saturn(El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic religions. The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, the Elect and temple.

Anonymous said...

I counseled with my bishop about the books and Energy Healing.. He said to steer clear of all of it..So, thats what I will do.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Fielding Smith said...

Joseph Fielding Smith noted that it was inappropriate to either publicize or seek out such dreams and revelations from rank-and-file members of the Church:

It seems that periodically it becomes necessary to call attention to the true order the Lord has given us in regard to revelation. During the past three or four months I have received a number of communications, coming from various parts of the Church, asking if certain purported revelations or dreams or purported visions are reliable and have the endorsement of the Authorities of the Church….

Now, the Lord will give revelations to this Church, and he will give commandments to this Church from time to time…but always in accordance with his own law; and we do not have to run around and invite individuals who are without authority to relate to us purported visions, or revelations or commandments, for the guidance of this people….

If a man comes among the Latter-day Saints, professing to have received a vision or a revelation or a remarkable dream, and the Lord has given him such, he should keep it to himself. It is all out of order, in this Church, for somebody to invite him into a sacrament service to relate that to the Church, because the Lord will give his revelations in the proper way, to the one who is appointed to receive and dispense the word of God to the members of the Church….

Now, these stories of revelation, that are being circulated around, are of no consequence, except for rumor and silly talk by persons who have no authority….When you know God’s truth, when you enter into God’s rest, you will not be hunting after revelations from Tom, Dick and Harry all over the world. You will not be following the will-o’-the-wisp of the vagaries of men and women who advance nonsense and their own ideas.

Anonymous said...

From October 2011 GC:
Sometimes you might be tempted to think as I did from time to time in my youth: “The way things are going, the world’s going to be over with. The end of the world is going to come before I get to where I should be.” Not so! You can look forward to doing it right—getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.
-- Boyd K. Packer

Anonymous said...

What Boyd K Packer says can work with or without the second coming. There will be a transition of time from the tribulations to the millennial reign. During the tribulations people will still be marrying and having children and when Christ comes at the end of those seven years, they will continue marrying and having children. That statement does not discount the soon inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Just because a Bishop is a Bishop does not mean he is all knowing. He is just a human being. Our new Bishop after being in office for 6 months stood in front of our congregation and told us that he was sorry if he had handled situations incorrectly and that he didn't know how to advise everything. He asked us to be patient with him. I had another Bishop that had an affair with a woman in the ward and left his family. What I am saying is that Bishops are only human and are not fully enlightened. Seek for your own revelation. I did and I have been told to prepare quickly.

Anonymous said...

On March 26 I asked what we were supposed to do with Julie's information and I should have left a link to the info I mentioned. Some was from here first book, some from other links but the main one was here:

The radio show does exist, here:

After reading this, her book and some other things, it sounds like we are supposed to do things in response. Others have commented we are supposed to get our own revelation. OK. But Julie's comments extend to direction to others. Don't live on the point of the mountain, etc. There are people out of panic making big decisions on her very specific information. The information is detailed enough that to believe it is to take action on the specifics. Hence the reason to listen to the prophets. If it is a big deal they are going to say. her revelation may be correct, but I strongly question the disclosure of it because of the strong implication to act on the details.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the Prophet. Plain and simple. There is an order in the way that our Father in Heaven works. It never changes. These books like this cause confusion and panic. Listen to the prophet. In my area that I live in there is a group of people holding meetings and " Firesides" outside of church to discuss Julie's revelations... They now believe that they have been given the gift of healing through The Emotion code ( the type of energy healing that Julie does) they feel that you have to be on a different level to understand the many ways to heal people. These are good righteous people who have gotten so caught up in

Anonymous said...

Julie mania that they are doing and saying questionable things! Listen to the Prophet.

Anonymous said...

So because you knew a bishop that cheated on his wife I shouldn't listen to mine? Odd...Or some how because your bishop apologized for not handling things better mine is some how mistaken? I wonder if my bishop had praised her and I had posted that in my comment if you would have felt the need to talk of the human sides of Bishops...

Anonymous said...

I have used the Emotion Code and it DOES work. As Latter-Day Saints, don't we believe in "being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." What is wrong with the Emotion Code from the perspective of your bishop, I'm curious. I honorably hold the priesthood, still go to church, listen to and follow the counsel of the prophet and apostles and I fail to see how the Emotion Code is bad, evil or of the devil. So they hold special meetings about how to use the Emotion what? What's wrong with HELPING people get better? I suppose you shouldn't bother exercising then. Or even going to church to perfect yourself or renew your covenants. I'm not an Emotion Code practitioner and I have no direct relation or deep and meaningful relationship with the Dr. Nelson or Julie, but I support them. If you have listened to ANYTHING Julie has said, she is presenting nothing new. She is not raking in tons of money off these books or "firesides." She testifies of the Savior. Why is that bad? Moreover, no General Authority has commanded her to stop AND her books are sold in Deseret Book (church-owned!) and Seagull Book. I've seen them at the BYU Bookstore (again, church-owned). If there was false doctrine being presented or anything being advanced that is NOT in accordance with gospel teachings or doctrine, they PROMPTLY remove it if it even somehow makes it on their shelves. Julie is bring forth great fruits. So is Dr. Nelson. I have successfully used the Emotion Code on myself, on my children and with my wife to overcome generational trapped emotions. We are all happier and healthier as a result. Tell me: Why is that wrong? I have heard other Bishops say the Emotion Code is good and even inspired, so I'm curious, again, what your Bishop's problem is with it. I have heard certain G.A.'s using it, too. Before you go about bashing and trashing Julie or Dr. Nelson, consider the temple covenants you have made and TREAD VERY CAREFULLY. I admire and support these individuals. NEVER have I heard on any podcast or in any book from Julie or others who have had similar experiences to her say that they have stewardship to the capacity of the Prophet and Apostles. In fact, the true ones ALL point to the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. I have heard FALSE ones share similar stories to Julie, but the difference between them and her is that they were getting wealthy and have since been excommunicated. Julie has not. Dr. Nelson has not. Someone said their family member tried the Emotion Code and it has changed them negatively? Enlighten me how that is. I'm interested to know. They likely were using it for impure motives. I have had to release certain people out of my life who have become bitter at me for so doing, but that just confirms they were bad influences and, believe me, they were. I am reading A LOT of judgements on this thread and it is repulsive. But, Julie, the Brethern and other faithful members who have had NDE's are seeing a fulfillment of what they have all been shown.

Anonymous said...

We will weed ourselves out. We all have things we can improve on and should constantly seek to improve and grow. We are just as much entitled to have the experiences Julie had. We are just as much entitled to behold what the Brethern have been shown. We are just as much entitled to behold the Savior and have him minister to us in the flesh, if we are faithful and obedient. Study the words of the Prophets in the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, and the words of the modern Prophets and apostles since Joseph Smith and tell me where I'm incorrect. I find it interesting to note, too, that many members of the church want more and more and more scriptures released, but they don't use or know the ones they have now AND when someone is given a gift like Julie or Dr. Nelson have been given they shun it and throw it out like dross. I strongly believe that the timing of these things can change that Julie was shown BASED UPON OUR FAITHFULNESS AND OBEDIENCE. What she was shown will come to pass. It has been fortold for thousands of years that they WILL happen. But, based on our faithfulness and obedience, it can happen tomorrow or in 2oo years. Read the following talk by Spencer W. Kimball:

Julie and every RIGHTEOUS leader of the Church has admonished us to be FAITHFUL, not FEARFUL. I do not fear what is ahead. Neither should you. We should seek to humble ourselves to the great gifts bestowed on our brothers and sisters on this earth and glorify God for those gifts being restored to this earth. The energy healing modalities ARE REAL and they DO WORK. Angels are constantly about us from the other side of the veil. If you have not yet had an experience with them, work towards it NOW. You don't need your Bishop to give you approval for your own salvation or to commune with those on the other side of the veil. They are everywhere and eager to help at moment's notice. Just ask.

Anonymous said...

Well said to the above poster.

Anonymous said...

To the poster who was offended by my post stating to be careful following the advice of your Bishop let me say this. First of all your end question does not make sense because I am obviously in support of Julie. So no to that one. I'm not telling you that your Bishop is a bad person. I'm just saying that you need to ask God. Man is not perfect, but God certainly is.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious in all of the above comments who are weeding themselves out :/

Anonymous said...

I would consider it a " gift" if I didn't have to pay for it. I know people who have turned their lives upside down following Julie Rowe, they have stopped trying to pay off student loans, they have put off doing home improvements, they have purchased huge campers and have decided to not go back to school all because of what Julie has written in her books... and because of some of the things she has said in interviews such as basing the call out on the type of car she now owns. Its reckless. Yes, we all are capable of recieving revelation for ourselves and I really do believe that I was told that this wasn't a good thing, that is why I went to my bishop just to get his take on it too. You mentioned weeding out, I'm not sure what you meant by that, my family has our food storage, we have gotten our debt down to just our house and one car... We try to live the gospel as best we could... We have done this because we are trying to do as we have been counseled by the Prophet... Why would we be weeded out?

Anonymous said...

It is obvious in all of the above comments who are weeding themselves out :/

That is a typical Julie Rowe supporter comment. Just just because someone doesn't belive her doesn't mean that they are weeding themselves out. That's a pretty arrogant thing to say. To the person who has people basing their decisions on Julie Rowe's books and interviews, they have their free agency so it's not really Mrs. Rowes fault. But, I do see how people can go a little nutty when they hear about these kinds of revelations. To the person that told someone that Bishops were human, what didn't you understand about that persons comment? I got it, it made perfect sense. My wife and her Mother went nuts when they first read Julie's books, our Bishop got up in sacrament meeting and counseled us to not get caught up in these things that we are to follow the prophet and that God has order and that all of this was out of order.

Anonymous said...

To the poster above... Blah blah blah, you bore me. I'm a Julie Rowe supporter but first and foremost I follow the Prophet. It's not black and white. Just because I support Julie doesn't mean I'm a nutty maniac. Most Julie Rowe supporters are the strongest supporters of the Prophet and the church. I know I am. I will only obey the Prophet, but I certainly will take Julies Rowes message seriously as she completely supports the Prophet.

Anonymous said...

So I was googling Julie Rowe nde and found this blog. I just read all of the comments that have been posted. I haven't read her books yet but I know some people who have. I'm not sure what to make of it. I guess if the books encourage you to prepare as the Prophets have taught then no harm no foul. After reading the comments I am thoroughly confused. My Bishop is the one who actually told me about Julie Rowe and says she is a really credible source. I read someones comment on here who said their Bishop warned against reading the books. I think there are some posters on here that are not approaching what they say in a nice way like the person who commented above. In my humble opinion I think people are overthinking too much. If the message is good and serves to motivate preparations then I don't see the harm. As long as you aren't worshipping her over the prophets then it's fine. I assume there are people on all sides of the spectrum. Julie worshippers, Julie supporters, or Julie haters. I will read the books and update later.

Anonymous said...

Neither side is going to convince the other. It's too bad that sometimes things like this create sides.. I kinda feel like the adversary is sitting back smiling when we fight amongst ourselves.

Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh, because many other churches pay someone to preach to them. I've seen other churches selling the word in books as well. So who are you to make such an observation?

Elizabeth Mueller said...

If in doubt, pray.

Like Nephi of old, he prayed about Lehi's dream to see for himself and he received the same revelations. If he can do that, why not us?

Kneel in prayer, and ask the Lord if Julie's words are not true. Even Moroni in Book of Mormon encourages us to do the same ... if the Book of Mormon is true. Remember?

Anonymous said...

We read the books as a family (minus our oldest son who was against exploring it), prayed about them together and individually. I have received a strong witness that her books are inspired of God. I think some of us absolutely need to know right now so we can make the decision in advance to jump when the Prophet calls us to and prepare in advance. I am one of those people who don't do well with quick change, and am very grateful to have the opportunity to pre-accept and plan for the Prophet's call-out. I felt that everything Julie Rowe said led us to be closer to the Holy Spirit and ready to follow the prophet. However, I believe that there are people out there who are strong and valiant in the gospel and will come to the camps when they are called who Should Not Know at this point that it is true, b/c that knowledge might interfere in what God needs them to do for the world right now.I don't worry about my oldest son, b/c I know he is prepared to follow the Prophet immediately.

Anonymous said...

This is happening. The supreme court decision was the nail in the coffin. Plan to be in camps by June of 2016. The time to tip toe around the issue is over. Get your food storage and warm clothing pronto! Expect Christ to return in about 2022. It's going to be a rough ride for the next 7 years but after that will be glorious.

Anonymous said...

Testy much? Defensive much? Plan on being in camps sometime in 2016. Period.

Anonymous said...

And vice versa Franz...

Anonymous said...

So I guess President Monsen, Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Eyring etc... Shouldn't have written books either right? They all have books at Deseret book. Everything from the church leaders should be free! Cause paper doesn't cost money, publishers don't cost money! People say that Julie Rowe should just put the info on the Internet. She was specifically told that she couldn't do that because the adversary would get hackers to change her words to make people disbelieve her. Give the money thing a rest. God doesn't CARE about money. He does however, understand the need for it on this earth. Julie has used any profit she has made for traveling expenses to spread her message. This ridiculous argument needs to be put to rest.

Anonymous said...

So I guess President Monsen, Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Eyring etc... Shouldn't have written books either right? They all have books at Deseret book. Everything from the church leaders should be free! Cause paper doesn't cost money, publishers don't cost money! People say that Julie Rowe should just put the info on the Internet. She was specifically told that she couldn't do that because the adversary would get hackers to change her words to make people disbelieve her. Give the money thing a rest. God doesn't CARE about money. He does however, understand the need for it on this earth. Julie has used any profit she has made for traveling expenses to spread her message. This ridiculous argument needs to be put to rest.

Anonymous said...

Crazy how you get an uneasy feeling in your heart while your fellow Mormon's on this site have a burning in their bosoms after reading the same material. These Holy Ghost confirmations can be pretty tricky sometimes.

Anonymous said...

It's these types of "spiritual civil wars" that worry me that the word "cult" fits with our religion. So many seem to be willing and eager to jump on any spiritual band wagon that fits their religio/political position. I was intrigued by much of what Miss Rowe said in the interview up until she stated that the last two elections were stolen--red flag--democrat hater? Obama hater? Did anyone hear details about how it was stolen? This type of statement may play well with many of our religion but to many others it smacks of partisan politics and philosophies of men mingled with scripture. Can you imagine any general authority suggesting that the last two elections were stolen? I am also concerned with the issue of priest craft that may be going on. It does seem like the message is for sale. I wish I hadn't purchased the book. The first half of it was just filled with "Mormon speak" on topics that are really old news. I couldn't figure out who the author's audience was--just being honest-- we are trying to be honest, right? The president of the church in my area-- the stake president-- has suggested to me that he is not a fan of Miss Rowe's material. He is my duly called watchman on the tower. Here is what I have decided to do for myself. I am going to continue to live my life as if the stock market is going to be at 20000 in 2020 and I am going to continue to prepare to be ready for the crap to hit the fan. If in 5 years life is motoring along as usual I am going to write Miss Rowe and ask her for my money back and tell her she got her inspiration from the wrong source and she needs to repent like the rest of us sheeple. If I come across her in a camp I will shake her hand. We are really a weird, peculiar, messed up people truly in need of a savior.

shela said...

Julie Rowe is A FRAUD. She made-up or plagiarized most of her book. Look at the bible dictionary of the different people she discusses in her book and then compare it word for word in the Bible dictionary. Really people, search the internet "Julie Rowe is a Fraud" or Julie Rowe plagiarism and you will see numerous examples. Upon reading her book and reading how she casually mentions her description of Heavenly Mother, was all it took for me to know she was a fraud. First, NO ONE has ever mentioned or spoke of Heavenly Mother in the scriptures, especially what She looks like. Ms. Rowe was on AVOW in 2008-11 talking about her dreams, never once mentioning a NDE until someone from AVOW saw how much attention she was getting and asked her to write a book and use her dreams to say she had a NDE - because lets face it NDE sell, dreams don't. She then changed her screen name on AVOW to "fellow dreamer" and started posting again in 2012 to promote her book. Avow loves her because she is their cash cow, many forums and discussion are about the call-out, being prepared, and information about her semiars and such - (it costs a monthly fee to be on AVOW - $$). As for Ms. Rowe being told she couldn't reveal her NDE as she claims because the Lord told her not too - then one must ask the question. Why did she discus the details anyway in telling everyone they were dreams? Seems to me in the Lord told her not to discuss it, that would also mean NOT to write about it in dream form. Seriously, how can anyone be so fooled by her or so gullible. It's almost laughable how so many people put stock into her, a person with no authority. But also so seriously sad that so many people have altered their lives based on a woman who just wants attention and to make money. So many stories of people selling everything they have and stock piling 7 years of food and water and spending thousands of dollars for survival items they can't afford because they are being driven by fear, leaving their families and relocating to the places of refuge Ms. Rowe has lead them too, a real heart-wrenching fear that has been caused by Ms. Rowe. Listen if you are doing what is right, keeping the commandments, praying and staying close to the Lord, you will be given the counsel for what to do when the end comes. It will come from the Lord as a feeling, a dream, a vision or whatever text or form the Lord deems for you. Not from ms. Rowe. She knows she lied about her NDE, she knows she is making up or plagiarizing other NDE she has read, and plagiarizing the bible dictionary. She knows she's a liar, I don't have to tell her, no one has to tell her, but she will have to answer for it. Ms. Rowe - good luck!! You can't justify what your doing by saying you are saving people, when on the other hand you are also ruining many peoples lives. A good action doesn't cancel out a bad action - especially when you are talking about someone’s life. Think about it Ms. Rowe, was/is it really worth it, getting rich and popular?!? Oh and you are so popular on AVOW, you must feel like a celebrity! I read your books, wish I could get back the time and money I spent, worthless and so embarrassing. How can you call yourself a Latter Day Saint?

Anonymous said...

shela - I'm sorry that you are so bitter. I feel very sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Shela needs a Xanax.

Murphy said...

shela does need a Xanax, but more importantly, all these gullible Mormons need to learn how to exercise healthy skepticism and critical thinking skills. It's truly comical how many holes in her writings there are, and how seriously people take it all. They don't realize how many people just like Julie made similar style predictions based on similar style "experiences" and it never happens. This stuff has been gong on for centuries. Human nature is funny. Mormons are comically gullible.

Anonymous said...

I don't think "Mormons" specifically are gullible. I think there is a percentage of human beings as a whole that are gullible. Christians believe that the Bible is a true account. Therefore they believe that Christ will come again. When the signs are as blatant as they are right now in the world, it is hard not to believe that the time is sooner then later.

Anonymous said...

Why follow prophets who don't prophecy, seers who don't foresee, and revelators who produce no revelations?

Anonymous said...

My Prophet prophesies, foresees, and reveals. I am sorry you can't see that.

Anonymous said...

From: Administrators Council CES
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 3:11 PM
Subject: Publication Caution—A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil
Date: August 31, 2015
Additional Information: This document has been posted on the website.

Memo Text (also attached as a PDF file):
Please be aware of the caution regarding the publication below and alert teachers and staff as needed.
In 2014, Spring Creek Book Company published A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil by Julie Rowe (see shaded box for Amazon’s description of the book). Although Sister Rowe is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, her book is not endorsed by the Church and should not be recommended to students or used as a resource in teaching them. The experiences she shares are her own personal experiences and do not necessarily reflect Church doctrine or they may distort Church doctrine.
We remind personnel to review the following resources regularly:
· Avoid Teaching Spurious Materials
· Obtaining and Maintaining Scriptural and Doctrinal Integrity (Edward J. Brandt)
· Spurious Materials in Circulation

Anonymous said...

The church commonly warns people not to teach from non approved church publications. Doesn't mean they are wrong. Paul H Dunn was approved and we all know how that turned out.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll stick reading things that aren't put in the category of "Spurious materials" by the church.

Anonymous said...

You do that. Good luck to you when the shiz hits the fan. There is truth in more then just church approved materials.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a link to this letter from the church/CES? I can't find it anywhere? Anyone know if Julie Rowe is facing any kind of church discipline? While there is good that has come from her books in my own personal life, I do have deep concerns and reservations about her well-being. She says she had a virus, but I've also heard she had a stroke, battles depression, anxiety, is forgetful, embellishes, and exaggerates. If the church truly sent that kind of letter out, that is pretty condemning and I would imagine she may face some kind of disciplinary hearing, but I may be completely wrong. I've just seen people excommunicated or disciplined for lesser things. I did notice that Seagull Book and Deseret Book have stopped selling her books and removed them from their shelves. Also, Julie constantly talks about technology as being so bad and that it prevents her from getting her message across (read her website about facebook and things she says on the radio shows), yet, I see the 12 on facebook, I hear General Conference and Regional Conferences with no problem and all other things relating to the church run without a glitch, in my experience. Please enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to me when the shiz hits the fan? You assume that because I do not believe Julie Rowe I am somehow not prepared? I've followed the prophets council, we have our food storage, we're working on our debt we're trying our hardest to follow the council that has been given to us from The Prophet. Just because someone doubts Julie Rowe does not mean they will some how be left in the dust.. With regards to the letter if you go to the website that the church has set up for Seminary and Institute teachers and sign in with your LDS account you can see the letter..

Anonymous said...

Add some warm clothing and a tent and you should be just fine then.

Anonymous said...

Lol.. I live in Hawaii. She never came and spoke here, that must mean we're all doomed. Oh well, Aloha.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone who finds truth in Julie Rowes message assumes that if you don't you will be left in the dust. You can believe Julie or not. That is not the issue. It is people who go out of their way to discredit her. What if by chance the Lord really has asked her to share His message. I wouldn't want to explain to my master why I publicly shunned her.

Anonymous said...

I'll take my chances. I haven't publicly shamed anyone.

Anonymous said...

This is a public forum. You have.

Anonymous said...

The church released a letter deeming her book " Spurious materials" Are they publicly shunning her as well? I have a sincere question for you. You said " What if by chance the Lord really asked her to share His message?" What if he didn't? I have some friends that firmly believe that the spirit has told them she's the real deal and that they are to be energy healers like her. I worry about what if the church came out with a stronger letter saying she was false and that energy healing was wrong. How many people will doubt there ability to receive answers to prayers, ability to feel the spirit? I think there are going to be some real crises of faith going on. I don't think Julie Rowe is a bad person but I do believe there is danger in putting so much stock in her message.

Anonymous said...

If the Prophet or Apostles tell the members she is false I will honor them. My allegiance is to God, the Savior, and his Prophet and Apostles. Maybe you are acquainted with people who "follow" Julie. I do not follow Julie. I find truth in her words and her message. That is all. I don't read her books everyday. I do, however, read the scriptures everyday. I guess I could ask you the same type of question. If you find out someday her message is a message from God, how will you feel? Will you question your ability to discern the spirit? One thing that I do know is that you don't know for sure and neither do I. We live in interesting times with many signs being fulfilled. I guess eventually we will both know. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Church spokesman Doug Andersen released a follow-up statement to 2News Thursday about the warning to seminary and institute instructors.

"The internal memo does not constitute an official Church statement but serves as a routine reminder to teachers from Seminaries and Institutes of Religion of their responsibility to teach from the scriptures and church leaders," Andersen said. "People who read her books should recognize that they are personal accounts and do not necessarily reflect church doctrine."

This is an official statement that the letter is NOT an official statement from the church. Just a warning for teachers to teach from the scriptures and church leaders. Just like all members are told. I wholeheartedly agree. I also still believe Julie had this experience. She has NOT been discredited.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your honest thoughtful answer. God bless to you as well.

Anonymous said...

I feel much better not arguing. I truly and honestly do not know for sure. That is why I make a point not to go overboard with Julie Rowe. We are all different and that is good. I am sorry if I inferred that you are somehow unprepared if you don't believe Julie. Before I even had heard of her or read her books I was diligently preparing my food storage, water, and other emergency items. Her words, I have to admit, gave me the final push to get it done. It would be foolish to say that without Julie people will be unprepared. Spiritual preparedness is equally if not more important. Arguing with people on this subject is not going to help anyone with their spiritual progression. I have been guilty of that and I am going to stop. Forgive me and I hope that all will be well with you and yours:)

Unknown said...

I feel that this sort of important stuff should come out of the prophets mouth FIRST, or his apostles. All this about camps, earthquakes, food storage, outer space objects and so forth seems a bit far fetched?!?! Didn't the late Boyd K Packer tell us all that the end is a ways off and that we still have time to do great things?? I am totally into food storage, and have gardens and farms big enough to feed the city I live in. But come on now I will listen to General Conference first to hear these sorts of warnings, and sit back in my Lazy Boy until then.

Anonymous said...

Boyd K. Packers statement is true! That doesn't mean that we aren't facing the seven year tribulation period soon. "End of the world" is a human term. There will be many righteous people who will survive the tribulations and continue on in the millennium having children and living their lives. The world is not going to end, it is just going to be changed. And for the better, I might add.

Anonymous said...

If it's information from God, wouldn't it come without a price tag attached?? Too many gullible people in the world...

Anonymous said...

What about all of the books the Prophets and Apostles have written that are for sale at Deseret book? So many naive people in the world.... Paper and publishing cost money.

Anonymous said...

Super nebulous.

I believe that some NDE accounts are legitimate but this strikes me as questionable. Thanks to the wonderful world of the internet it is no longer necessary to publish in print if your only goal is to inform others. At least there's a short fuse on this one...we'll know soon enough what is true.

Anonymous said...

I guess I would just like it to be true if I'm being honest. I don't want to live in a tent city. I really don't. But I do want Christ to return. And we have to pass through the tribulations to get to that point. I'm just ready for peace. My life has been really hard. I see so much suffering of innocent people. Just makes be sad.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that one ponder how God would bring about warning his people and the people of the world without negatively impacting the church. Would he have the prophet stand up and say "The end is near! The end is near!"?. Could you imagine the repercussions of that statement? Would it do more harm then good? God doesn't need this message to go through the prophets, because it doesn't alter church doctrine. It is a Warning. One that the Prophets have given in other ways countless times. One that God has passed to mankind countless times through countless other ways.
For you, the words of the Prophets may have been enough for you to stand prepared. For others, the words of Julie may be that impetus. Perhaps even now as you read this, my simple words may allow you to see things in a way that changes your mind and spurs you to action. Who knows, right?
The one who inspired the Prophets, who orchestrated Julie's experiences and the one that led me here today to this blog i've never seen before. That, is who knows. Our Lord knows how everything works to degrees we cannot at present even comprehend. Is it really so difficult to believe that he would not use every opportunity available, and create others that aren't, in order to assist us in being prepared?
In Elder's quorum yesterday i taught the 18th lesson from the Teachings of the Presidents, Ezra Taft Benson. I would suggest that if you don't know the truth in this matter, the path to your answers lie there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I read Julie's books, and I've also read "Visions of Glory" a couple of years ago. I must admit that even though the latter book impacted me somewhat, I didn't feel "inspired" or uplifted, or motivated to take action as I was by the time I read 3rd chapter of "The Time is Now" I did question if Julie was also "copying" from VOG book some of her visions and dreams, on her first book, but when I decided to read her 2nd book, I felt in my heart that her words were true. Nevertheless, I want to clarify that she hasn't given specific dates, months, no even years (as far as I remember) for when these events will happen (maybe on her radio interview..??) what she did mention were seasons of the year! She also mentioned, I think (because I've also read "The Great Gathering"... that one is a little bit more specific as far as months) an "election year" It is a mistake for some readers to say that Jesuschrist will come "after seven years in the camps" or "in 2022", because first of all she never said that in her books, and secondly because "..nobody knows the day and hour of His Second Coming, no even the angels in heaven.." according to scripture. She really doesn't clarify exactly how many years between one event to the next, and yes it seems that some are going on at he same time, and she does mention about camping for a few years (2-5?)
I feel inclined to "defend" her character because, as she stated in her books, she sustains the Prophet and all the general authorities, she also clarifies that she is not "speaking for them" all of you out there that think that she is trying to "speak for the prophet" you are mistaken! the way I took her books is that she is "sharing" the knowledge given to her with us; and is up to each individual according to our faith and the knowledge of the Doctrine to act or not, to go in faith and ask Heavenly Father regarding these things, to better our lives spiritually, to follow the prophets counsel (for years) to have our storage. It is true that any call for "church collective action" must come from our First Presidency, but what about the non-members? I think these books are available to everyone who care or want to read them and not just members of His church; and if His prophet or any apostle were to announce this publicly it would cause panic on a big scale.
Of course I'm preparing, but I'm not stop living a normal life, planning for the future, etc. I'm considering my priorities more carefully and trying not to care much about "wordly possessions" (like we should be doing anyways)other than that, I'll wait to hear from the prophet of God, or any of the First Presidency, and follow their instructions.

On a side note: because of my profession, I like to read books from economists and financial advisers, and let me tell you this, these are very intelligent men with a lot of years of experience in these fields(with doctorates in finances and economy) who are predicting a big fall in our economy in a very short time...I started reading about this subject after the economic collapse in 2008(if you ever come across a video interview with ex-senator Ron Paul, watch it, or any article that talks about the U.S. failing economy, I recommend reading it) They've research, studied the U.S. economy for years, and they are coming to the same conclusion: a big economic chaos is lurking in the near future. Reading books and reports about this subject and then reading Julie Rowe's me confirmed each others "predictions" from the spiritual angle and the science angle.

Bottom line, whether you believe Julie or not, PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR HARD ECONOMIC TIMES AHEAD, earthquake or not, DO YOUR FOOD STORAGE!
Don't take my word for it go do your own research. google the crux.

Anonymous said...

The church has already spoken on this woman. Yes, she has been giving dates (go to her website). I, too, thought she was inspiring, but then I learned recently how duped I was after speaking with a General Authority, listening to MANY talks from General Authorities (True Messengers) that warn against people just like Julie Rowe AND reading the church's responses. They are aware of her and they do NOT support her. She's going out buying an RV right now and other things off of profits she has made (and yes, she has made a good deal of money, believe it or not), DESPITE telling everyone else that RV's will serve no purpose and you will not be able to use them. I have also heard things from people very close to her that she suffers from much mental illness, including schizophrenia, bipolar, depression and anxiety (I don't judge her for this as those kinds of illness are VERY serious). When you read the blogs on her website, she is also very narcissistic and speaks/thinks very highly of herself. These are not the ways TRUE MESSENGERS act. General Authorities have addressed people like her in various venues and have STRONGLY WARNED against (not FOR) them. People like her have been around talking like she does for almost 2000 YEARS. There was one lady in the 90's, one in the 70's and many others who have been excommunicated for what they've done. That Julie Rowe SAYS she supports the Prophet and that we should listen to him and follow his counsel is one of the few truths she tells. In Acts there was also a woman who worked all manner of priest crafts and fortune telling and told people that the Apostles were TRUE MESSENGERS (after seeing them) and immediately the apostles turned to her and rebuked the false spirits in her which caused her to lose her "gift" of foretelling things. Consequently, her puppet masters threw her by the wayside and sought the lives of the apostles from thenceforth. Mills Crenshaw, regardless of his standing in the church, and Chad Daybell, regardless of his standing, are dangerous people. I strongly recommend staying close to LDS.ORG for further light and knowledge from TRUE MESSENGERS and search through the archives of talks contained there and on My Stake Presidency and Bishopric have spoken strongly against her works/words and they have received instruction from Area Authorities and General Authorities to warn the Saints to not be deceived. Sadly, I have also learned that Julie belongs to a group called LDSAVOW and this group of people believe they will be the only ones admitted into these "special camps" because of their preparations. Clearly they fail to understand their temple covenants and what the law of consecration states, assuming they have been endowed. If you don't have a years supply of food, you will NOT be turned away. This is a great lie from the adversary. I am preparing much food and supplies so that it may be shared with others who have less than myself. Do likewise.

Anonymous said...

So yeah...My take? It's just another example of someone taking advantage of people's need to believe in some of this crap. If it were true, she wouldn't be using interview teasers to PROMOTE HER OWN BOOK SALES FOR PROFIT, if it were true I'm sure God would want his word to be heard and made available to all mankind and not just those who can afford to buy the book. People like her are the worst kind of sinners. Beware the False Prophets folks, they only lead you further from the truth.

Anonymous said...

I came here because I read that this woman was saying the world was going to end today (09/26/2015) or rather tonight when a blood moon" will be visible.
But then I read that among her other "prophecies" are that the 2016 election will be no better than the 2008 election which she calls "stolen".
Now here's my question. If the world is going to end tonight (in Sept of 2015) how can there be an election in 2016?
This woman can't even keep her own prophecies straight. lol.
Guess will find out though. If she is right about the end of the world this post will exist for only a precious few more hours

Anonymous said...

Shela here, and no I don't need a Xanax, haha! However, I love what the above poster 3-up from me said. Peeps let's be real, Julie is a total fraud, and all you followers have been duped! Hey, I was too for a short period. Have any of you "followers" listened to the many hours of interviews she had with Mills? Really folks, it doesn't take a grade school education to hear how her mental illness projects in her speaking with Mills, or hear how she pauses when he asks her questions - as if she is thinking of a good story or way to describe what she claims to have seen when she was with John her heavenly messenger guide. If she truly had a NDE she would shout the answers and not pause to think of an answer. She is a nut case and she is making hundreds of thousands of dollars off her followers - so maybe she's not a nut case, but maybe more of a cunning rich nut case? What really makes me laugh is how so many of you defend her and say - well maybe the Lord wants her to spread his message, ha ha!! If the Lord has a message for us it won't be through her, it will be through his appointed (& anointed) mouth pieces - the General Authorities. Also, let me say before I head off to bed and take a Xanax, the emotional code stuff is no different that a ouija board, yes it does work, but I think I'll put my money and faith in prayer and the priesthood before I pay Ms. Rowe $25 for a 15 minute phone call or $200 for a family phone call conference, what a nut job! I know I sound harsh and I should be nicer - so easy to hide anonymously behind my computer screen, it's just that Ms. Rowe fuels my fire when I think about all the wonderful people she is duping! All the wonderful people on this board (and even those that say I need a Xanax) because I know that Christians and people in general are great, I like everyone and I have no enemies. I really do love people. I don't like seeing people being hurt or lied too and Ms. Rowe's lies have affected a few of my closest friends and I'm angry for what she has don't to them. They talk daily about the call-out, about getting more prepper items, about tent city and they hope something big happens just to prove Julie is right! Well that is hogwash!! I don't wish an earthquake and lost lives and devestation just to prove Ms. Rowe is right!! That is just crazy! And I am very prepared, so don't bash me and say its because I'm not. I was actually called into my bishops office because my family are such big preppers he was concerned for us, so please don't use that argument on me, you're all better off saying I need a Xanax ha ha!! I'm sad and troubled that so many people actually believe she had a NDE - even Julie herself says she didn't have a NDE - she said she was asleep for 3 days and during that time she met her spirit guide John and they talked about dinosaurs and met George Washington. Sersiously laughable.

Anonymous said...

Shela here still, it wouldn't let me submit it all at once, too many words. Anyway, my Uncle who was a staunch Greek Orthodox for his entire life (70 years) was a new member of the lds faith (about 2-3 years). He actually did die during his colon cancer surgery - he flat-lined for a seconds/minutes and he said he did visit the other side and was met by white angels that filled him with immense love. He said he wanted to stay and they told him his work was not finished on the earth and to do go back and do temple work. After his real NDE he did more temple ordiances than anyone in his ward or stake had ever done combined. Maybe someone on this board knew him, he was from Sandy, Utah and his name was Manos. Anyway, his bishop spoke at his funeral and he said the number of names he submitted and did temple work for was in the thousands during the last 2 years of his life. OK, he was a great man and one of the most honest men I've ever known, why didn't he meet a spirit guide named John and talk about dinosaurs and tent cities and the call-out during his real NDE? Why did Ms. Rowe? Why- because she didn't have a NDE or meet a guide named John. She has a mental illness! And more importantly, what has she done the last 10+ years of her life since her so called NDE (or should we say her SLEEP for 3 DAYS)? Nothing that I can see, except sell some plagiarized books that sound identical to Visions of Glory or There is no Death, or the Bible dictionary. She never speaks of an overwhelming engulfing love that others who actually did have a NDE speak about. And no, I do not believe Ms. Rowe has a special message from our Father in heaven to share, she's a nut case. And when we do have the big earthquake and when sh*** hits the fan like so many posters above have so vehemently said in lieu of defending Ms. Rowe, it won't be because of her - scientist have been predicting it long before Ms. Rowe. I don't know how anyone honestly who has done their homework, read her weird books, or listened to her talk, googled her plagiarism, could see her for what she is, nuts! Really, not trying to hurt anyones feeling here, but people please do some research on this woman and you will see she is false and the only truth she speaks is follow the prophet (which sadly makes her sound truthful) but she isn't and everyone should stop worrying about the end of times. The Lord fed 4000 on a few loaves of bread and fish, he can certainly take care of his children (all of his children) not just those who didn't have food storage and tent!

Anonymous said...

WOWEE! I don't know how I ended up on this webpage, but I just read all these comments. WOWEE! Shela, you are so funny! (and sensible). I hadn't heard of the author and don't remember how I got here - as it was hours ago (it feels like now), but I can guarantee I don't need to read this woman's book to know how to be prepared. It's all about living the gospel, staying in tune with the Spirit, and listening to our prophet and apostles. WOWEE!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, the world ended and I missed it again. Now, I want all of you Julie Rowe followers to line up so I can smack each one of you upside the head with a copy of her book for being so gullible. In the words of Julie Rowe,"Peace Out!"

Anonymous said...

It's astonishing how mean spirited so many of you posters are. It's actually very sickening. But hey, we're anonymous so we can say whatever we like, right Shela?

Anonymous said...

If you feel Julie Rowe was wrong, many you should probably re-read this little section from D&C 121:

43 Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;

44 That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death.

45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men,

Okay, you've reproved with sharpness, now where is the increase in love for Julie and her family? Otherwise you only profess to be Latter-day Saints in word only.

Anonymous said...

What's astonishing, is how many people bought into her nonsense and how ridiculous she makes the church look. Like every other doomsday prophet she bought into her own absurdities and overshot by giving a date for the end of the world. Classic mistake. And my bowels are not full of charity, but they are full of the same stuff that her books are full of. Quoting scriptures on an internet message board...too awesome for words

Anonymous said...

When did she give a date for the end of the world? Show it to me. I want a link to when she said it, and not just some libelous garbage or misinterpretation of some overzealous fool.

"And my bowels are not full of charity, but they are full of the same stuff that her books are full of."

It sounds like your brain is full of the same stuff as your bowels.

Blackhawk said...

I will say that I love Julie Rowe as a fellow sister in the gospel and human family. I have prayed to be filled with charity for her considering much damage she has unintentionally done to so many and most especially to the Church. My heart grieves to see the Church under attack about the "end of days" because of these books and the "tour" she went on and the damage some guy named Mills Crenshaw has done to the good name of the Church, too. It's made us all look so bad. That does not mean I agree with or stand with her on what she's said. I stand with the Church. The dates you wish to see have been removed from her website. She's alluded to dates MANY times in MANY different venues. I follow LDS.ORG very closely. LDSAVOW, folks, is dangerous. I do not believe Julie intended to mislead, but that has clearly happened. Despite her attempts to plead with people not to fear, how could they not fear after everything she said on her "tour" around the US and in her books? I'm not afraid of what she said because the Brethren have spoken out against it and their words, EVERY SINGLE TIME, speak love to my soul and bring peace to my soul. Never have they said anything that has invited fear. For over a week Elder Andersen's talk about the Second Coming was featured on What he said and what Julie say are not the same. Moreover, Elder Ballard warned against people like Julie (there are many) in a recent regional conference for my region. My Stake Presidency and Bishop have warned against this kind of stuff, too, about NOT feeding into it or believing it. They have, in fact, discouraged even touching it. They have gotten their directives from the Brethren. So, with that said, you choose.

Blackhawk said...

I am deeply grieved when I have read about people stockpiling food and ammunition and think of themselves like Anti-Nephi-Lehi's who would stand upon the Rameumptom and thank God for being better than everyone else. If you don't think that those folks at ldsavow don't believe that, consider this, taken right off their website:

"No one knows when the second coming of Jesus Christ will be.

And it really doesn't matter anyway...It is our humble opinion that unless we prepare for those events that precede the Savior's coming, we will needlessly suffer greatly and subsequently perish...thus, we won't be around to greet Him anyway."

It is their "humble" opinion and "we won't be around to greet Him anyway"???? How sad! Elder Andersen's talk, given in General Conference, does NOT speak like that nor do TRUE MESSENGERS speak that way!!! How despicable! I have written ldsavow and asked for clarification on this and they have flat out ignored me. I went to leadership in the church and they are aware of it. They admonished me to steer clear of that group and not to affiliate with them, so take that for what it is worth.

Moreover, be wiling to SHARE what you have. I am so disappointed to see the smug people who think that once they have all of their food they are good to go and refuse to share what they have. They say, "It's not my fault they didn't prepare! They deserve to die (or starve, or suffer, or whatsoever thing you wish to enter here) because they were taking trips to Disneyland, buying fancy cars, doing upgrades to their house that were extravagant and so forth" It's not for us to judge, regardless of the material possessions they have vs. the lack of food storage or other items they lack. Read the hymns, especially "Because I Have Been Given Much" and "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief." Consider your baptismal and temple covenants, assuming you have those. If you don't have them, consider the Saviors teachings...period. Furthermore, please show me where in the Book of Mormon that that is how Christ rolls. I find no evidence of that being the way of the Master. I, too, will stockpile every needful thing to help ALL of my brothers and sisters on this earth, regardless of what preparations they have made or not made. That's what the Savior expects of us all.

Anonymous said...

Still some believers out there. That's awesome. Don't let rational thought get in the way of your delusions.

Anonymous said...

Who says we are all believers in Julie Rowe? I enjoyed her books, but I feel I got some clarification on the matter a while back. But I do believe you are a douche bag for how you treat her. But don't worry you shouldn't be lonely. Apparently, there are a lot of douche bags for you to hang around with.

Anonymous said...

Blackhawk, I appreciate your respectful tone and I believe I share your same views. However, you said, "The dates you wish to see have been removed from her website. She's alluded to dates MANY times in MANY different venues."

I'm calling B.S. on that one, and I don't mean Bible Study. She has never been specific. She has always been vague. The most she had ever said was "very soon" and that the blood moons had significance. She never gave specific dates,even on her website. I attribute that to extremist followers and extremist detractors. It's a sad situation all around. But her detractors are probably just as crazy as some of her followers - just look at Shela and the anonymous poster above you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there's a specific post she made, but it had several dates on it and she never stated why they were significant. That could be why everyone went crazy. Again - extremely vague.

Blackhawk said...

That's ok to call BS on my statement, but I stand by what I said because of what I read on her website and saw firsthand the reactions of some of the extremists you refer to. Like the comment above mine said, there was a post where she had many dates listed. It has since been removed. Yes, those dates were vague, but she has alluded many times to these dates at her various speaking events and would constantly refer to "this spring" or "this fall" or "this winter". Those statements/comments threw many people into a panicked frenzy, not a fruit of the gospel. Again, I love Julie as a sister in the gospel, but I cannot condone the post given on her website where dates were given that threw people into a frenzy and brought much negative publicity to the church worldwide. That's no hyperbole, either. CNN, FoxNews, Drudge, the Salt Lake Tribune and others had articles posted on their sites about it. That's not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Wow Shela, or should I call you CAMPFOLLOWER. I know who you are. What is your personal beef with Julie? You claim anyone with a grade school education should know she's a fraud. Your grade school mess of inarticulate posts expose you as someone without credibility. Learn to be kind to your brothers and sisters in Christ. I wouldn't want to meet my maker after spewing such caustic remarks about one of his own, that whether true or not, has intentions to help his children. Watch yourself. I am worried about you.

Anonymous said...

You are delusional.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There will be a callout. It will happen. The prophets have testified to this event explicitly. Here is just one example from Harold B. Lee.
"Thus, clearly, the Lord has placed the responsibility for directing the work of gathering in the hands of the leaders of the Church to whom he will reveal his will where and when such gatherings would take place in the future. It would be well—before the frightening events concerning the fulfillment of all God’s promises and predictions are upon us, that the Saints in every land prepare themselves and look forward to the instruction that shall come to them from the First Presidency of this Church as to where they shall be gathered and not be disturbed in their feelings until such instruction is given to them as it is revealed by the Lord to the proper authority.' (Harold B. Lee, via Quoty)

Blackhawk911 said...

What is your source? Also, our gathering places are our stakes. The Lord has been very explicit on that. Why is this call out so important to you? We are to gather together in our stakes. I don't understand your tone. As for "Quoty", what kind of source is that?

Anonymous said...

Yes we will gather with our stakes. What don't you understand about that? A callout is important to me like it was for Noah, the Jaredites, Abraham,Lot, Moses, Lehi, Nephi, Joseph and Mary, Alma, and King Limhi, among countless others, For safety! And the source is the April conference report in 1948 on Why is a call out NOT important to you?

Anonymous said...

Henry B. Eyring - Raise the Bar (BYU-Idaho Talk - January 2005)

"The giant earthquake, and the tsunami it sent crashing into the coasts around the Indian Ocean, is just the beginning and a part of what is to come, terrible as it was.

You remember the words from the Doctrine and Covenants which now seem so accurate: (he quotes D&C 88:88-91)

Fear shall come upon all people. But you and I know that the Lord has prepared places of safety to which he is eager to guide us....It will be our choice whether or not to move up or stay where we are. But the Lord will invite and guide us upward by the direction of the Holy Ghost....

I did not plan to speak to you about the hard times that are ahead and they are real, and they are coming...."

Anonymous said...

Wilford Woodruff - (History of the Church, 6:26)

“….that the Saints of God may have a place to flee to and stand in holy places while judgment works in the earth; that when the sword of God that is bathed in heaven falls upon Idumea, or the world,—when the Lord pleads with all flesh by sword and by fire, and the slain of the Lord are many, the Saints may escape these calamities by fleeing to the places of refuge, like Lot and Noah.”

Anonymous said...

Joseph Smith DHC 4:272

"In addition to all temporal blessings, there is no other way for the Saints to be saved in these last days, than by gathering...."

Anonymous said...

Joseph Smith The teaching of the prophet Joseph Smith, Section 2, P.71

"...for without Zion, and a place of deliverance, we must fall; because the time is near when the sun will be darkened, and the moon turn to blood, and the stars fall from the heaven, and the earth reel to and fro.

Then, if this is the case, and if we are not sanctified and gathered to the places God has appointed, with all our former professions and our great love for the Bible, we must fall; we cannot stand; we cannot be saved; for God will gather out his saints from the Gentiles, and then comes desolation and destruction, and none can escape except the pure in heart who are gathered."

Anonymous said...

Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, Vol.9, p.154, June 19, 1862

This people know enough to be righteous, honest, pure, and virtuous; and those who will not practice that which they know to be good will become habituated to folly and vice, just in the same way that men became habituated to using tobacco, to stealing, drinking, and lying.

"When the time comes that the Lord says, "Arise and to your tents, O Israel;" then men be pure inside and out; they must be for God, or they will have no part in the blessings conferred upon the righteous."

Anonymous said...

Here is a list of at least 49 times that the righteous have to leave.

1. Brother of Jared
2. Lehi
3. Mulek
4. Saints in Europe coming to Utah. Many ancestors answered the call of Joseph Smith to immigrate to America and join with the saints in Utah. Left their homelands and relatives.>>
5. Alma fleeing wicked King Noah
6. Alma's fleeing from Lamanite bondage. Mosiah 24
7. Puritans and Pilgrims
8. Children of Israel fleeing Egypt
9. Enoch. Moses 7:27
10. Mary and Joseph to Egypt
11. Saints fleeing from Jerusalem and Titus in 70 A.D.
12. Limhi's people fleeing Mosiah 22:6-1 People of Limhi deliver themselves from bondage by departing into the wilderness with tents, flocks, families. They couldn't do it by the sword--were out-numbered. Went out the back pass. Mosiah 22:2
13. Nephi fleeing from Laman and Lemuel
14. Ammon and his Anti-Nephi-Lehi's fleeing the Lamanites Alma 27
15. Mosiah flees Omni 1:12
16. Joseph of Aramanthea in Jewish legend driven from Jerusalem in a boat with Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and others. (Fascinating Story)
17. The ten tribes fleeing from bondage to the north.
18. Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees. Hebrew 11:8
19. Another Jewish legend of Jeremiah fleeing to Egypt and then to England and Ireland before the destruction of Jerusalem.
20. Lot from Sodom and Gommorah.
21. The Nephites flee from their homes and gather together to fight the Lamanites and Gadiantons, pooling all their supplies for 7 years.
22. Alma and Amulek flee Ammoniah. Alma 15:16
23. Zoramites cast out and flee to Jershon. Alma 35
24. The people of Ammon vacate Jerson so the Nephites can battle the Lamanites there. Alma 35:13
25. Ishmael and his family join Lehi in fleeing Jerusalem. 1 Nephi
26. Noah flees the world on an ark.
27. Jacob flees to Egypt to get food.
28. The saints flee Kirtland to go to Missouri
29. Then they flee Missouri to go to Nauvoo
30. Then they flee Nauvoo to Salt Lake
31. Adam and Even have to leave the Garden of Eden to start a new life. The pattern was set when Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden of Eden and into the wilderness, a journey that must have been quite an education in the school of hard knocks.
32. Hyrum Smith received a revelation saying his life was in danger and to move his family from Palmyra to Colesville, N.Y. He packed that night and left the next morning. "Life of Joseph Smith by His Mother"
33. Father Smith's life was in jeapordy. He was warned to flee but didn't leave soon enough and was thrown into prison where he spent a month. After his release he immediately moved his family to Waterloo, NY and most of the Smith family would never see Palmyra again. "Life of Joseph Smith by his Mother"
34. Joseph and Emma flee Palmyra with the gold plates to live in Harmony, PA.
35. Joseph flees from Harmony to Colesville or Fayette?
36. No sooner had the early saints settled themselves with good herds and good homes in Salt Lake City, UT than they were called to leave it all and settle St. George, Arizona and other places in between. One group of great grandparents were called to St. George to settle there and then again were called to colonize Arizona making 3 callouts.
37. The saints fleeing U.S. marshalls into Mexico to save their families.
39. Zoramites find out which people believe Alma's and Amulek's words and cast them out of the land. They go to Jerson. Alma 35:6-9. Verse 14 "Those who repented were driven out of the land."
40. Peter, James, and John, "And straight way they forsook their nets and followed him." Mark 1:16-18
41. Jesus fleeing Nazareth when they tried to kill him, never to return to his home town.
42. Omar is warned to flee because Akish and his secret band are going to kill him so Akish can marry Jared's daughter and give Jared the kingdom. Ether 9:3
43. The people in the city Moroni fled to the city Nephihah. Alma 51:24
44. Jacob fled when Simeon his son killed those who had abducted his daughter Dinah.

Anonymous said...

Blackhawk NEED I SAY MORE? I genuinely hope that you will take these counsels to heart. I want you to be safe. Leaving the comforts of our homes and all of our cushy amenities will not be fun. But what we may have to deal with if we don't could very well be horrendous. I do not think all will have to gather. Some very small cities may be safe. I don't know. I do know what people will do if they are hungry and it ain't pretty. We are so blessed to have a merciful Heavenly Father who is eager to guide us to places of safety and that he indeed has a plan for his righteous children. I really hope that I will be included and that you will too.

Anonymous said...

Let me finish by saying a few more things. I am fully prepared. I have been preparing since 1989. I finished all of our temporal preparations yesterday. I am working everyday on my spiritual preparedness. That will be a lifelong journey. In addition to the supplies I have ready for my family, I also have extras that are packed in storage boxes for those who may need them. It is unfortunate that you, Blackhawk have had experience with those who are smug about their preparedness. Luckily I have not encountered those types of people. My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are eager to help others who are less prepared. While I feel like there is much truth in the parable of the 10 virgins, I feel like the spirit will direct us in how we will impart of our own supplies. If people have heard the counsel and then have disregarded preparations while indulging in the luxuries of life, then there will surely be some unpleasant consequences. But if you are doing your best to calmly gather supplies to the best of your financial ability, then the Lord will make up the rest by instructing those who are prepared to share. God knows our hearts and we will be rewarded accordingly.

Blackhawk911 said...

Thank you for your sources. That I appreciate. I am not concerned about gathering, though. I have listened to the heed of ordained prophets and apostles and have been and am preparing. As part of our preparations we are preparing more than needed to help others who don't have or who, as you have stated, have "disregarded" the counsel to prepare. That's one of the good things that came from Julie's books (for us) is that they have led us to prepare more for those around us, regardless of how they live or what they're doing in mortality. What is mine is also others. If people are hungry, they can have what I have. I see a lot of people getting too excited about these gatherings and in their excitement they come off as callous to the suffering of those around them (I'm gathering you are not that way and hope more people are not that way). My family and I have gathered in Utah per instruction from the Lord and by obedience and faith to the gentle call, our lives have been richly blessed. I do struggle w the tone of many voices being raised about these gatherings (yours is not one that bothers me anymore). I don't hear the voice of the Savior bc there is a lack of concern and or love (even if a person states it is said w concern/love) when they talk about them. It's contrary to how the Lord says we should feel. I'll again call attention to hymns such as "Love One Another", "Because I have Been Given Much", "A Poor Wayfarying Man of Grief", and many others. I'm stil not concerned about gatherings bc our focus is on living more Christlike lives. I thank you for sharing those legitimate sources.

Blackhawk911 said...

Also, I commend "Anonymous" above my comment : ) Thank you for being a Christlike example to me and others. I applaud you. You're a Saint and consider you a friend. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I feel the very same about you Blackhawk. I think we both are going to be okay:) Thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Well, this post and most of these comments didn't age well at all. Especially now that we know how bizarre, dishonest, and full of flat-out apostasy she was involved in with Chad Daybell and just how deeply disturbed she and many in these types of movements have gotten. Outside of Tim Ballard she is the only one I can think of that the church has called out by name in a press release before her excommunication about institute and seminary teachers not being allowed to use her works of fiction as instructional tools in their classes. And none of their revelations have happened and people are dead. She may be calling him out NOW but they were thick as thieves and it is to save her own skin. He is a liar and so is she.