
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christian Hart Weems Arrested In Chandler, Arizona, Accused Of Destroying Evidence In The Susan Brock Case; Fulton Brock Seeking Divorce

Update August 24th, 2011: Christian Hart Weems reluctantly pleaded guilty to one count of computer tampering in the sex-abuse case Susan Brock; in exchange, a second count against her was dismissed. Weems faces a punishment of up to three years supervised probation when sentenced October 7th; she remains free on bond.

Update December 30th: One of Susan Brock's daughters, 21-year-old Rachel Katherine Brock, is now accused of sending dirty pictures and videos and having several sexual encounters with the same teenage boy her mother is accused of molesting. She is being charged with three counts of sexual conduct with a minor and one count of transmitting obscene material. All previous posts on this case available HERE, with the most recent post appearing first.

The case of Susan Brock, the now-estranged wife of Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock, took another turn on December 28th, 2010 when a 37-year-old Chandler woman who was a friend of Brock's was arrested. Christian Hart Weems was arrested for conspiracy to commit computer tampering or altering of data, computer tampering or altering of data, hindering prosecution, and tampering with physical evidence, all felonies; she is accused of destroying and altering evidence in the personal email account of the boy Susan Brock has been charged with molesting over a three-year period. Although Weems was initially booked into the Maricopa County Jail in Phoenix, the Phoenix New Times reports that she has since been released on her own recognizance, and is due back in court on January 12th. It has now been confirmed that, like Susan Brock, Christian Weems is also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The scheme: Court documents show that Brock and the boy communicated through the Yahoo email account. The boy would write in a draft the time she should pick him around the corner of his house. Brock, who had the boy's password, would log in and read the drafts. As a result, there was no record of messages being sent and the boy's parents would not find out. Not only did the boy's parents forbid Susan Brock to have contact with him, but the boy's high school principal also had warned Brock to stay off of school grounds.

The obstruction: During a jailhouse phone call on November 2nd, it is alleged that Weems coaxed Brock into revealing the password to the Yahoo email account. Once in there, Weems allegedly altered, damaged or destroyed potential evidence that would have incriminated Susan Brock.

A new story in the Arizona Republic gives more details about Christian Weems' background. Weems has a track record of being an outspoken Chandler activist who made eloquent public speeches about neighborhood issues, volunteered for municipal boards and campaigned for mayor and city council candidates. She is a land developer and former member of the Chandler Domestic Violence Commission and Chandler Solid Waste Citizens Advisory Committee. She has campaigned for Councilman Matt Orlando. She also campaigned for former Councilman Phill Westbrooks when he ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2006 and to restore elected official's pay for former Councilman Martin Sepulveda when he was called to active military duty.

As summarized in my October 27th post, Susan Brock is accused of picking the unidentified boy up from his home or school, and committing as many as 30 sexual acts in her car, her home, her mother's home and secluded areas of the city. The acts included masturbatory conduct and oral sex; in other instances, Brock allegedly used three vibrating massagers to stimulate the boy's penis to the point of ejaculation. No actual intercourse took place. However, Susan Brock now faces 15 different charges; according to case number S-0700-CR-2010157285 listed in the Arizona Judicial Branch records, they include:

-- Two counts Molestation of Child
-- Six counts Sexual Conduct with Minor
-- Two counts Sexual Exploitation of Minor
-- Three counts Obscene Material-Furnish to Minors
-- Two counts Public Sexual Indecency

Susan Brock has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Until the matter is resolved, her LDS Church membership will likely remain intact.

However, Brock's estranged husband apparently doubts her innocence. On November 11th, Fulton Brock announced he was seeking a divorce from Susan. He seeks sole custody of the couple's minor daughter, age 16. He lists as assets three homes with a combined value of more than $1 million and three cars. Brock had previously said, "I want so much to believe these allegations are not true, but if they are, I am appalled and crushed. I am a religious man. I ask all to pray for our family and those involved so that justice may best be served."

Susan Brock's indiscretions may even impact Fulton Brock's political career. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will soon choose a new chairman, Fulton Brock is in line to succeed Supervisor Don Stapley in the leadership post. However, there are hints that misgivings by some supervisors about Brock’s recent family problems may threaten his ascension. If he can line up the votes, Brock would take over as chairman in January. But an informal poll of supervisors by The Arizona Republic indicates his election is still likely.

Since this post, Fulton Brock has decided to withdraw his name from consideration to become chairman.


  1. I hope this doesn't aurprise anyone. Religious people are the biggest hypocrits of all.

  2. nynynysmile:

    No one group or people has the corner of the market on hypocrisy. Susan Brock, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is alleged to have committed some serious crimes against a minor. Regardless of her religious affiliation, if these charges are true and she is found guilty, then she should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Susan's alleged acts cannot and should not be attributed to her religious affiliation. There is nothing in any major Christian religion that condones deviant sexual behavior.

  3. This is truely sad! Isn't Christian Weems the founder of Origami Owl? I understand she now goes by Chrissy Weems, so people won't make the connection.

    Can someone please confirm this? I work for Origami Owl and I'm very concerned about working for someone like this. When I look at the mugshot it looks like Chrissy Weems, but want to make sure.

  4. Nice Mug shot. How come Origami Owl doesn't put their founder's mug shot on their home page? Oh wait, is it Chrissy now and not Christian? Maybe that will help bury the past. Or maybe the new blogs and fake philanthropy she paid to have created will hide her checkered past? She should know that when you destroy evidence to help a convicted pedophile people will find out. Origami Owl people deserve to know the truth about the founder of Origami Owl.

  5. The more I search for Chrissy Weems and Christian Weems, the more I find. It is truly sad. I can no longer work for a company like this and will be tendering my resignation. Here is a video I found on the local news channel:

  6. OMG! That video is incredible! Chrissy Weems, the founder of Origami Owl looks really bad in this trying to destroy evidence to protect a pedophile. I am surprised she didn't get jail time like your convided pedophile friend Susan Brock. So disgusting.

  7. The Truth will come out... and the more you try to hide it, the more people will dig!

  8. I wonder what her church made of this... or her employees, for that matter?

  9. Miranada Smith, I did some digging to and could no longer work for Origami Owl myself. I let go off all I worked for over the last year. I did love the concept of the product. I LOVE being with South Hill Designs now, they are wonderful! I also believe that the truth will come out. It is going to be sad for the OO designers who have believed in the company and the story of the company. All the fake sites of her self she created does turn my stomach.

  10. MMK, No offense but you should be ashamed of working for a company like Origami Owl when the founder Chrissy Weems pleaded guilty so such a disgusting crime. I assume you didn't know you were working for a company owned by someone who would tamper with evidence in a case to protect a pedophile. Did the other employees know and just not care or do they not know at all?

  11. This is not the oo lady ....

  12. Are You saying that Chrissy Weems AKA Christian Weems is not the founder of Origami Owi and Isabella Weems mother? When I did a search for Chrissy Weems and Christian Weems on Google it I see articles all about her as well Origami Owl. I also see an article where she was arrested for child endangerment leaving her other child in a car in the heat of summer. I also searched on YouTube for Chrissy Weems and Susan Brock and found the ABC news footage of her and Susan Brock, the convicted pedophile. Its pretty clear this is the OO lady. Do you have anything to back up your claim that it is not?

  13. got to be kidding me! How on earth could you think this is not Chrissy Weems?? Have you not click on all the above links and video?

  14. Christian Hart Weems, 37, left her baby strapped in a car seat for 90 minutes as temperatures soared to 144 degrees inside the van, according to police.

    Read more:

  15. This whole story is so disgusting. I wonder if Chrissy Weems AKA Christian Weems thought this whole thing was okay because her pedophile friend Susan Brock is a female and the victim was a boy. You see this double standard in people all the time. Someone needs to tell Chrissy Weems and all her mindless drones that a pedophile molesting a child is a disgusting crime regardless of whether the victim is a boy or girl. Chrissy Weems and her followers should be ashamed of themselves.

  16. C'mon. Give Chrissy Weems a break here. Its not like her friend Susan Brock is now a convicted pedophile or something. Who hasnt pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence to help a pedophile?

  17. This whole Chrissy Weems things is just disgusting. I have read in other posts that she changed her name from Christian Weems to cover her tracks. In the last few weeks she has flooded the Internet on her BS sites with BS press releases. Someone needs to tell her that the truth about what she did to try and help a pedophile by tampering with evidence will never be hidden. What else is she lying about? Her followers wont admit it but they know deep down there are many lies about the "other" story as well.

  18. At the end of the day, there are so many corrupt men and women running companies.

    As for the Brock person, really people? I find it difficult to swallow that this boy was molested. Boys want sex...period. Brock was not right to engage. You people act as though Christian had sex with the boy.
    Tell me how many of you wouldn't try to help your friend.

    As for leaving the baby in the car. I'm not a mother. But I do know this happens more often than not. How many of you mothers scream, feed your cranky babies Nyquil to put them to sleep, or feed them crappy food; sugar soft drinks, neglect dental work and worst of all, buy them material crap to compensate for not being around? Or those of you who are multiple divorcees and have multiple sex partners because you cannot support yourself.

    Nobody is perfect! How many of your husbands are cheating on you right now but you choose to look the other way?

    Give this lady a break.

    Instead of reading crap from the past in newspapers, use yesterdays press to line your litter boxes.

    Leave the lady alone. I'm an owl and this in no way changes my opinion. People deserve a second chance and she was NOT convicted of anything.

    WoW...and go ahead and keep praying folks. Get a life.

  19. Christian/Chrissy clearly was not guilty of helping a pedophile that way you people are making it out to seem.

    If she had been aiding and abetting the way you folks talk about it, she would have been thrown in jail.

    You folks must have nothing else to do except cause problems for people.

    Until you are in a situation like Christian/Chrissy, you have no right to judge.

    People who rush to judgment without having all of the information are what is wrong with this country.

    I work for Origami Owl and have no problem whatsoever with this. Her attorney likely said, "plead guilty" and lets move on.

    For all you know, Susan Brock was mental and Christian/Chrissy may have been a counselor for her through the abuse program.

    Even if people find out, so what? Former governor, Elliot Spitzer who was against pornography and slept with Client #7 is now on tv. People f-up! It is called life.

    I love the opportunity Origami Owl has given me. I could care less what happened previously with the allegations and forced admission of 'guilt' turned out to be a slap on the wrist.

    People who are outspoken typically get into hot water because they are trying to right wrongs. I highly doubt that this person sat down and said, "Oh, I am going to aid and abet a pedophile today!"

    Grow up people. Don't ruin a good thing for the folks at O2. Even if everyone catches wind, big deal. Let those who are weak to judge quit.

    And to the people talking about many of you are Cafeteria Catholics? worship Catholicism and your priests are raping boys.

    How many of you are football fans and your coaches are raping boys. Penn State anyone?

    Get a life! Leave this woman, her family, and Origami Owl alone. People love the product and many people are gainfully employed because of Chrissy Weems starting this business.

    Do you think the leaders at Disney are perfect? Look at your spouse tonight when he comes home and you think he is hiding something. He probably is.


  20. WOW! So if someone molested your child you would be okay with it? You clearly don't care because you are getting PAID! If that was your kid you would want them sentenced to life in prison. Chrissy Weems pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence to protect her friend and convicted pedophile Susan Brock. You don't plead guilty unless you ARE guilty. Watch the ABC news video on youtube and tell me that this is not a heinousness crime and that she isn't guilty as hell.

    You can see it here:

  21. I watched the video, listened and processed it.

    Christian was not the "perp." And the audio is so very gray in nature. It can be argued on both sides of the coin. The news media is not gospel. And you are, in my opinion on a 'witch hunt.'

    I do not have kids.

    Susan Brock did not have intercourse. She did have "sexual relations" (as defined by former President Bill Clinton.

    You do not have all of the facts. And you must lead a very dull life.

    What skeletons are in your closet? Your husbands? Your girlfriends? Your family?

    Stop being a voyeur and live your life. Looking in others windows is damaging.

    Call the media if you are so hell bent on ruining her life. But keep in mind, you are also responsible for ruining the lives of the thousands of women who are excited about selling the jewelry, able to make money, and pay off their bills. YOU are evil and ultimately will be destroying thousands of lives.

    People don't care what has been done in the past. People WILL be angry at YOU for ruining their lives.

    This woman paid her dues. Period.

    I'll bet the church that you go to has pedo's sitting next to you or preaching. How about the teachers at your kids school? Why not look at your family?

    Good day!

  22. Ps...lots of people plead guilty when innocent. Jails are filled with innocent people.

    The legal system is complicated.

    Run along and put your energy into yourself. Be gone before somebody drops a house in you.

  23. Yes to the above this is the same person Chrissy/Christian OO founder.
    The the other above, I did not know this about her thats why I WAS an OWL. No longer! With a much better company. To the other owls on here, you know that the crap that is passed to you isnt true half the time and your put off over and over again. And it's clear some of you don't have children. You would want anyone that had a part in this to go far under the jail. And giving your child a piece of candy VS leaving them in the car is no even close to the same. That child was there a few minutes. Yes you that are getting paid and thats you care about are jut like her. I am a mother (a true one) and I have been taken advantage of as a child. For me I see through her selfish lies and will not promote or make money for in anyway.

  24. Lol. Thou shall not judge.

    The only difference here is she was busted. Most CEOs are crooked! You just don't know about it.

    Read the book,"The Sociopath Next Door!" And educate yourself before you start judging others.

    Seriously. You will learn a great deal about human beings. Moms too.

  25. We all have plenty we have done. I'm not her judge just don't have to support her. We all have to choice to do and do to do. Yes you have great moms and not so great. Great CEO and NOT so great. I don't need a book for that, I've lived it. Enjoy your check, thats your choice.

  26. MMK, could you please email me at .... I have questions about south hill. THANKS! Kim

  27. I am with a company with a similar concept as O2. I had the advantage of knowing a personal friend of Ms Weems and based on the way that she treated my friend, I chose not to join O2. As another person said, it is my choice to support or NOT support an individual and in this case, I choose not to willingly line the pockets of this person. Not to mention that the whole story about a 14 year old girl starting the company is a sad ruse to take the focus off the mother...what a horrible thing to do to your own daughter. Apparently, the mistreatment of children is a priority for some...

  28. Designers need to yell this out loudly that this is the person they are working for. I am a mother and grandmother and in no way would I have left one of my children in the car or helped a sex case. If you were in Arizonia for the meeting in September and seen the way they were dressed you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see something wasnt right. I for sure am not going to make money for someone with a mug shot

  29. Designers need to yell this out loudly that this is the person they are working for. I am a mother and grandmother and in no way would I have left one of my children in the car or helped a sex case. If you were in Arizonia for the meeting in September and seen the way they were dressed you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see something wasnt right. I for sure am not going to make money for someone with a mug shot

  30. How was "who" dressed?

  31. Nice mug shot chrissy weems. I bet its all a big misunderstanding. LOL

  32. You folks have issues...

    She wasn't even found guilty. such haters.

    So I guess using your logic, all of you are a bunch of crooks since you live in the United States and are led by corrupt politicians on capital hill. LOL

    If as everyone states "everyone finds out" the spin marketing will be put into play. Anyway, most people know but most people realize it is in the past.

    Business and personal are never the same. If you can't separate, good thing you are not involved in O2.

    Our entire country is corrupt. Surprised some of you are not planning on moving to another country so that you no longer line the pockets of our countries leaders. lolol

    Y'all are sad.

  33. Wow! I am really shocked at some of the posts about this person. I am a mother and on the waiting list for OO, but no longer! I did all the research, read all of the news reports and articles. Chrissy/Christian Weems plead guilty (whether her attorney told her to or not)she plead guilty to hiding evidence to help her friend out! If she didn't do any of it...she wouldn't have plead guilty! It is a shame that b/c when I researched the OO company, it sounds great! I personally cannot work for someone who has lied and tried to cover up her friends' actions, nor could I make $$ for a woman who holds these values. It was plain out wrong! She just better thank her lucky stars that she didn't go to jail for what she did. She is an adult and made the decision to do this all on her own. I am sad for her children and that her family has to experience the mistakes she has clearly chosen to make.

  34. I am shocked as well. She pleaded guilty which means you ARE guilty. All the comments suggesting other wise are ridiculous. Any objective person can do the research and see what she did. For me the video on youtube was particularly damming. Cut/Paste the link below or search for chrissy weems and susan brock on youtube and you will see it. Be warned its a bit creepy.

  35. Lots of people are encouraged to "plead guilty" as a result of our corrupt legal system.

    The thing that is so amazing is, a good number of you who are criticizing her are likely alleged "god fearing people." Yet, you hold judgment over Chrissy. Shame on you! If Jesus were alive, he would be more upset with you haters than her. You have minimal facts and are most likely unhappy in your marriages or suffer from low self-esteem. many of your husbands are cheating on you? looking at porn? or doing other bizarre behavior? lol...and yet you stay with them. tsk tsk.

    The product is great! People do not care what she did or did not do. Get a life folks.

  36. It is a great product. Agreed... but I do think that people care about things like this and it does make a difference.

  37. So the woman is a nut! Can't fault her daughters, family, or Origami Owl people.


  38. She is the owner of the company along with 3 other woman. I don't know that I would want to represent this company. When you are the owner you got to have standards. I don't want my hard selling benefiting someone like this.

  39. CHECK THIS OUT! This woman is probably a plain person like you & I not in to politics & have little money. Bet she get sentenced. She stopped for only 40 minutes! Weems 90 minutes for her child.

    A Texas woman's quick trip to Margaritaville could leave her wasting away in jail.

    Authorities say that Jessica Christian locked her 2-year-old son in a hot car outside a Tejano restaurant in Dallas while she went inside to down four fruity cocktails in under forty minutes, the Carroll County Times reported.

    A witness called 911 after discovering the child sitting inside the car -- reportedly left with the windows cracked and engine off. Police arrested Christian when she returned to vehicle upon exiting the restaurant.

    "It doesn't take a lot for temperatures to easily exceed 140 degrees inside of a car," Lt. Joel Lavender of Dallas-Fire Rescue told MyFoxDFW.

    The suspect told police that she stopped to pick up a take-out order from the restaurant, but a receipt obtained from the bartender showed that Christian purchased four margaritas.

    Christian's son was sweating and dehydrated when police freed him from the car. He is expected to make a full recovery.

    Christian is charged with child abandonment and child endangerment, according to a police report.

  40. To the poster making the claim about co-owing the company. True.

    Challenge to you: Do you know how many crooks run big business? Honey, the only difference here is this woman was not smart enough and got caught. Many many many men and women are so corrupt and you are supporting them in your communities and big businesses by shopping. Walmart, Macy's, and just about any place you buy produce, food, eat out, or clothing. Don't be so naive. :)

  41. I work for South Hill Designs and have never in my ENTIRE life worked for a better company! If you would like more information about our wonderful company, please email me at

  42. Christian has screwed over many, many people to start this company. The story about Bella is lie. It was never her idea and she has barley done anything other than smile for the camera and the O.O groupies. Christian used the story for marketing and it has worked.

    She did make the phone call and did lots of other things to help Susan for a very long time...long before the police were involved.

    She did leave her son in the car on a very hot day. She would leave her children while they were deathly ill to go socialize.

    She would screw over her own family to make an extra buck so don't think she won't screw over all of you O.O. multi-level marketers pimping her cheap chinese necklaces.

    Christian is bright and creative and will walk away from this company with all of your money. She will move onto the next group of saps. Believe me, I was supposed to be one of her best friends, till that got in the way of this company and I stopped doing what she wanted.

  43. Who did she screw over? What is the real story?

    BTW...last sound bitter. The commend about Chinese product being cheap is silly. Most products that we use in the USA are produced in China.

    The corrupt politicians put China in the #1 spot for production and paying menial wages.

    At least this lady created jobs for Americans.

    Also, you make claims that she will walk away from the company. Again, a claim made on speculation and "crystal ball" magic. This is not fact-based. It is speculation and that means nothing.

    In the meantime, I have been able to pay off some bills. Leave it alone and don't be so bitter. Even if Mrs. Weems walks away it won't matter. People love the product. She isn't the primary person in charge anyway.

    If she makes more mistakes, people will feel sorry for the reps and buy more. You don't understand business. The woman is a marketing genius and people want to feel good. Most marketing is false.

    Do yourself a favor, leave it alone and if you are jealous of Mrs. Weems, so be it.

  44. The company is in talks to sale right now. The company is trying to keep Christian in the back ground because she has been so underhanded in her business dealing from the past. She brought her brother in law and sister on to try and cover that part up. Yes lots of products are made in China but O.O products are cheap. O.O. filed a law suit against another company that started selling the same products in 2012, but O.O started selling the same products as Azuli Skye which was around long before O.O I guess O.O. is the only one allowed to copycat?

    Christian is a Marketing expert, she just lies completely, using her child to sale a kit of over-priced cheap multi-level marketing crap.

    Ask some of the woman who worked for her at Chandler Mall what they think of her. Good luck, a few of you "designers" will make money, but most of you will lose your shirts.

    The truth will always come out....There is plenty of stuff to still come out.

  45. Dear last poster,

    It is "sell" not "sale."

    You sound very angry. All marketing is the same. Why are you jealous?

    And multi-level marketing is not bad. It is very regulated on percentages of earnings. Did you know that when you work for a company, corporation, hospital, attorney, or any other profit center, your upline is taking imbalanced percentages off of your hard work? CEO's and executives reap money from those beneath them in an unregulated and inconsistent method of skimming percentages from your performance at work.

    In MLM, it is a consistent percentage and you have a fair method of earning.

    As for cheap is costume jewelry and people are buying the emotion that goes with it. Hate to burst your bubble but I am going to guess that you eat fast-food; McDonalds perhaps or some other chain restaurant? Do you think eating in a chain restaurant is healthy? It is, to use your terminology, "cheap." But in this case, it is food vs. jewelry.

    You sound like a very angry, bitter person.

    I hope the business does sell! It means more opportunity for the customer, the reps, and an emerging international focus.


  46. To Smiles,
    Justify it all you want. Believe what you want. Correct my spelling and grammar all that you want if that is all you have.

    What do you think I am jealous of? Could it be Christian's pretty mug shot? Maybe you think I'm jealous of Christian's ability to leave her baby in a hot car?

    It is fine if you think Christian lying about how Bella started O.O. I for one think that when you base your company on a lie one should be prepared to have people question that companies integrity and those that would work for such a person and/or company.

    As for your justification of the cheap O.O jewelry. You are right, people eat at McDonalds because it is cheap. The quality of the product that McDonalds delivers is in line with the dollar amount they charge for their product. Unlike O.O. products which are not worth the money they charge. It's cheap, and it falls apart. Keep telling yourself that you are pimping a feeling.

    I know how business works, but thanks for Econ lesson. However O.O. is still cheap multi-level marketing crap. My opinion, you don't have to agree. The same way I don't have to agree with the spin you are trying to put on it.

    As for bitter, angry...not so much. I mean really, what is there to be jealous of. Her bankruptcy, her child neglect, her arrest, her reputation as a mother and wife? Not so much.

    Although I love the dialogue smiles. This will be our last exchange as I have more important matters to take care of.

  47. I find it very interesting that South hills keeps coming up in conversations. Any chance they are using this to further their company. Ye who have not sinned cast the first stone.
    We do not know all the facts re this situation. Was it a thing that I want to hear the OO founder be part of, No, but do you above have all the facts? No.
    I believe people change and maybe she has learned something from this. Maybe she was frazzled that morning when she left her son in the car. Maybe she really thought she dropped him off. Do you know what was going on that moment? By the grace of God we all have come close to doing something that could have changed our life.
    Do we Know her relationship with Susan Brock? No!!! Maybe she was a victim of Susan Brock herself. WE DONT KNOW. Only Christian knows.
    I can only hope that the things she is doing with Origami Owl at this time, which is pretty amazing, is because she has been given a second chance to make a difference and Change. Time will tell. But until all you above know all the facts. Cast the first stone,

  48. I agree with you (last poster!). Nobody knows the details. I just know that I met Chrissy and Bella and they are both lovely people.

    Everyone makes mistakes and often when we try to help those in need, we get the blame.

    Your bring up a valid point about SHD.

    Smiley. :)

  49. I do know Christian, better than I would like. Not everything above is about other competitive MLM groups. Christian in NO WAY was a victim of Susan's.

    It is funny how a lot of these posts sound just like something Christian would say. She is not what she comes across to all of her fans. She most certainly hasn't changed.

    BTW...I do have all the facts! Christian has burned a lot of bridges and a lot of people know the truth about her.

  50. I find some of these posts from critics to be a joke. Lol! So the logic here is saying, "since Chrissy helped her friend who was a pedofile, the girls selling the product are essentially endorsing her and are foolish for doing their jobs."

    Funny to me that many of you who are haters might be catholic and yet your priests molest boys. Why do you still go to church? Your logic is null and void. Lololol.

  51. Love that mug shot! Oh, maybe it should be call her "SMUG" shot.

  52. How much time did Chrissy do? Or did they just give her the ankle bracelet ? They do that nowadays with convicts. It looks like she pleaded down to one count to avoid the big sentence that Susan Brock got.

  53. My guess is she got the old anklet. The new times article talks about her sentencing and admission of guilt.

  54. THIS IS NOT THE SAME PERSON. The Christian Weems who was arrested has 2 sons. Chrissy Weems who helped her DAUGHTER start Origami Owl is not the same person. Unfortunately many South Hills Designs people are slandering her all over the internet because they are doing anything they can to bring Origami Owl down.

  55. How many years has Susan Brock served so far. It looks like she got 15 years for the sexual assault on a minor conviction.

  56. Umm let me first say to the looser that said that this boy was NOT molested because hes a boy and all boys want to have sex, you have got to be the most disgusting person. He was 11 when she first started to terrorize this poor boy. She started out manipulating him, because lets say it again HE WAS 11!!! She molested him, terrorized him, made him feel shameful and made him feel like it was all his fault. The court records also state Susan Brock gave him money for his sexual favors. Susan Brock is a sick pervert along with her 21 year old sick pervert daughter who is also in jail for molesting this SAME sweet boy. Christian (aka Chrissy) Weems puts out this image of love..peace.. and happiness. She is also a sick pig. If I EVER found out my friend was a sick pervert I would be first in line at the Chandler PD to help put Susan's sick butt away. Not trying to get passwords for the boys email account at the local jail to get rid of all the email evidence. Shes not very smart. We all know they record ALL conversations at the jail. STUPID!! I would have been turning all that evidence to the police NOT destroy it. This the person who is running the company you are making MILLIONS of dollars for.

    Im so totally done with Origami Owl. And that saddens me I have invested thousands and I really like the product. But To help make money for a scheming, lying sicko like Chrissy Weems turns my stomach.

    Your right there are corrupt business men, and politicians, but I would hope if you knew your boss was a pedophile or knew his/her friend was a pedophile and you still continued to work for that person makes you just a big a looser as these so called ladies involved in this horrific crime.

    It also angers me that OO puts out this "wonderful" story on how this 14 year old started OO just to buy herself a car. Oh cmon people wake up. If they put out lies about how the company was founded.. they are going to lie about other things as well. If you KNOWINGLY want to make liars money be my guest. Im done. They will not get one more dime from me, and I will be sure to pass on this lovely story to everyone I know in MLM businesses. Your being duped people, stop being sheep and stand up for whats right.

  57. Last are so weird.

    I am an O2 rep and I love it! Chrissy has no impact on what I sell or make. Clearly you have hate issues and you don't have the details.

    The police investigated and she was not found to be a perp. Yes, her friend was.

    You are the type of person who is so full of hatred and venom that your own kids are most likely going to end up in jail. And your hubby is likely a perp.

    Be gone weirdo. Nobody cares who you tell in MLM. I suppose it's ok that Ted Haggard tried gay sex and yet he says he didn't.

    There are so many people with sexual proclivities and reckless behavior.

    You have NOOOOOO idea why Chrissy called the jail NOR do you know the history. So with, fly away!

    buh bye!

  58. Last poster, of course we know why Chrissy went to the jail and got the password from Susan Brock. We know because she pleaded GUILTY to destroying evidence. Are you familiar with the term GUILTY? duhhhhhhhhhhh

  59. Check out the ABC news report of the the jail house meeting with the recording of the Chrissy Weems and Susan Brock discussion, then decide for yourself. Its pretty obvious.

  60. So what?

    Nobody cares. Not wasting time on lower thinking mentality any longer. Haters will be haters. So what if she was calling to do this. SO WHAT! There are so many people with sexual proclivities and a good friend would have done the same. I would! You bet! If my friend were in prison for the accused, I would help out. A good friend doesn't turn their back.

    Anyway, Chrissy had no involvement with the boy. Susan did.

    Not wasting anymore time with idiots on this page. I have jewelry to sell! AND I LOVE IT!!!! :) YEAH!!! :)

  61. PS...Casey Anthony was also acquitted in the murder and death of her child. But she is guilty. The legal system is not foolproof! :)

    1. Chrissy is never going to live this down. That's Karma. I don't feel bad for her. Protecting a convicted pedophile is one of the most disgusting crimes out there. The only worse thing would be her molesting that poor boy herself like her best friend Susan Brock. At least Susan Brock got 15 years in prison. Her pal Chrissy only got one year. What BS.

  62. such haters. lol. Chrissy is an amazing person! jealous much? Women tearing down women is bad karma. As another post better run before someone drops a house on you.

    And watch hubby may be molesting a boy when he is on business trips. Don't cast stones at glass houses.


  63. Gross. All the Chrissy / pedophile appologists are disgusting. Anything for money I guess. Just wait till everyone finds out the truth. All the people with a shred of class will be running away As fast as they can.

  64. Someone should put a locket on that mug shot.....LOL...finally she can be tagged...LOL.... Instead of "changed" maybe she should create one called "reformed" ....

  65. The only thing you folks are doing is helping us get better PR. Everyone knows about it and most people believe in second chances.

    Seriously, get a life people. Y'all are a bunch of losers.

    And yes, I am making money on Origami Owl. And your callous, cheap remarks are a sign of your own discontent.

    And...until you grow up, you won't realize your anger. Did someone do something to you? Is that why you are so angry? Seek therapy if so. And in the meantime, I've said a prayer for you haters.

    With love,

    An Origami Owl fan!

  66. Let us get the facts straight. She is running a company built on a total scam. All you people who think they are part of the Owl Family is part of a company ran by a woman who helped a pedophile destroy facts. Everyone you cant cover up the past of "CHRISTIAN WEEMS" it is not Chrissy it is CHRISTIAN a total scam artist. Christian Weems is the starter of Origami Owl with a husband whos name is Warren Weems with 2 daughters and 3 boys. If you think im wrong your a total jackass. Now lets get stuff straight to all you sitting in the nest, you cant erase facts of Christians Weem's life. She was never a public speaker or raised money for victims. If any of you dare to tell me i'm wrong youre saying it to the wrong person. I know the true Christian Weems so you Owl backers might not want to step up and argue that what I am saying is wrong. So what I am getting at is this woman used her daughter as a face to start a company (by the way check out her origami owl song on youtube, its pretty crappy) and fooled everyone in thinking it was for her. That girl is about as smart as a brick and could never come up with this company and she doesnt run it. She might be considered a Chief in the Owl's nest but she doesnt do anything. This pyramid scheme they run, yeah they jack your money. Have fun you owl supporters buying your product from them, then selling the product you bought and sending all the money back to them and then they will give you a percent of the money back. Good job doing all the work for them to make money. To me that is pretty shady and not a business an LDS woman would run. Remember being honest with your fellow man? I believe that is something the LDS church is big on. Actually the Church itself directs us to stay away from these types of schemes.

    "The white-collar cousin of stealing is fraud, which gets its gain by lying about an essential fact in a transaction.

    Scheming promoters with glib tongues and ingratiating manners deceive their neighbors into investments the promoters know to be more speculative than they dare reveal.

    Difficulties of proof make fraud a hard crime to enforce. But the inadequacies of the laws of man provide no license for transgression under the laws of God. Though their method of thievery may be immune from correction in this life, sophisticated thieves in white shirts and ties will ultimately be seen and punished for what they are. He who presides over that Eternal Tribunal knows our secret acts, and he is “a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12; D&C 33:1)." Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the quorumn of the twelve apostles

    Yeah Christian (not Chrissy because i know who you really are), that was said by one of your own leaders. Also you fellow Owls who believe in this and think you understand what is really going on, I suggest you take a step back and look at the big picture. She is literally screwing you over.

  67. Hi angry church goer,

    Yikes! Nobody is scammed. It is a business and we are all making money.

    Pyramid is not a scheme. And I am not religious. So your verses are meaningless.

    Also, Mrs. Weems is at fault, not the gals selling the product.

    There is no direct correlation. I am not responsible for her past and I don't care who came up with the idea.

    It is great fun! Super cute! And likely, I will not be going to hell for selling it.

    I am a business person and have not fallen for anything. Mary Kay, Tupperware, and 31 are all pyramid sales groups.

    You are not very bright and sadly, a very sad soul.

    I will say, the marketing is genius! I don't for a minute think Bella runs the company. Bright women understand marketing. But you are not bright and therefore you probably think Mickey Mouse runs Disney.

    Wake up sad person. Origami Owl is fun! You are sick.

    Be hone! Before thou caste a house upon you (Oz: chapter 10 verse 11 YBR and Toto too!)

  68. Reply to Oz quoting woman...

    First off I am not sick or sad and I am proud to be religious.

    Second off, its called a pyramid scheme, did you see the second word (scheme) look it up if you think I am wrong.

    Third, the first voice of Mickey Mouse was Walt Disney himself. So Mickey mouse not only founded, but ran Disney. So how bright am I now?

    Apple is marketing genius. Origami Owl has the marketing prowess of the lemonade stand in front of someone's house. In 2 to 3 years Origami won't even exist. Their Marketing preys upon the ignorant stay at home moms and so called business women who cant make it in the corporate world.

    If you really are an educated business woman go to and read what REAL business people, with much more education than you will hope to attain, say about ALL multi-level marketing.

    You could also do a search on herbalife or many of the other MLMs who are not only being sued, but have lost, due to their illegality and fraudulent claims.

    On a side note for all you business woman out there, has been around longer than Origami Owl, costs half as much, and everything you sell you get to keep! Isn't that a novel idea? If I buy and sell something the profits are mine, not given to someone else to give me a small cut. No I don't work for them, but I was a smart enough business man to research a product before thinking a 14 year old and her crazy mother invited or revolutionized the jewelry industry.

    By the way be hone, I think you meant to say be gone. You're as smart a business woman as Oz was a Wizard.

  69. Hey sorry poster...

    I never said I believed the marketing pitch about her daughter. And I never said "they revolutionized the jewelry industry or lockets."

    Of course the lockets were around for a long time. Like her or hate her, Chrissy is a Marketing expert. I happen to respect it. And a heck of a lot more than respecting a "story about an ark, or Jonah and his whale."

    Now...who is really in the fog? Sounds like you.

    Have a great day!

    Oz Chapter: 1 Verse: 2

  70. Hey tree hugger that posted above me:

    You know how I know your stupid, Christian (convicted felon) Weems is no marketing expert. Making up a story about a young girl and how she designed these lockets, is pure manipulation so idiots like you would buy into the scheme and think she is a god.

    Clearly your in the fog as you support someone that helps out pedophiles!

    Thanks for your time, will be checking back soon for your idiotic response supporting this felon!

  71. I accidently came across this site while seeking information about Origami Owl. I live in the Chandler, Arizona area so I hope that I can clear some things up.
    1). Several years ago prior to the formation of Origami Owl I went to a craft sale at a local church (it was not a mormon church not that that matters). There was a young girl there Isabella who was selling her necklaces. I bought a necklace at that time. There were a couple of women behind the booth but they were not selling.
    The story of Isabella starting the company is true. I saw it and experienced it with my own eyes. She was adorable. She told me that she was trying to save money for a truck. That is all that I remember about that.
    2.)I was not aware that Chrissy Weems was her mother. Chrissy Weems is well known here in the Chandler area for her work to help victims of domestic violence. She also helped prevent a toxic waste site from being brought to our neighborhoods. This would not have been good and would have brought down our property values. She is a public speaker. Anyone in the area who has gone to our townhalls in Chandler knows this. The local PBS station actually had a program that praised her efforts.
    3.)I remember the news story about the child in the car. I can only tell you this. Arizona has very strict laws concerning this. She would have been charged if the child was in danger. She was not.
    4.)Regarding the Susan Brock issue. The news story here was actually reported two different ways. Some media outlets said that she was charged with computer tampering and others said that she destroyed evidence. I decided to see why the stories were different.
    I was surprised to learn the reason why. The actual court records state that she was charged with computer tampering. This was a misdomeaner charge NOT a felony. Actually what it
    involved was just looking at someones email account without their permission. That was it. No other charges.
    I asked the newsrooms who reported the story as something different why they did that and they said that none of their reporters were in the court room that day and they got the story from the associated press. I called the associated press and found out that none of their reporters were there either they just copied information from the story before the court date. That was shocking to me. However it just happened again with a story on CNN about the Boston Marathon. The wrong information came from the associated press. Go figure!
    The reason that I took the time to check into this and write this post is because I think that it is important to state the truth. All of what I have stated is public record with the court, with the city of Chandler, and with the local PBS station. Check it out for yourself! Don't rely on what you read on the internet.
    The other reason is that I am surprised that you would attack a minor, Isabella. I am sure that what I am saying about her can be verified as well. Ask someone at Oragami Owl what the name of the church was where they had their craft fair. Call the pastor there and I am sure that he or she would know someone who attended that sale that will tell you the same thing that I did. She was a kid trying to earn money for a truck for when she turned 16.
    This company is no different than Tupperware, Avon, Pampered Chef,or Discovery Toys. You cannot be a crook and be members of some of the organizations that they belong to. They have high standards. Check that out for yourselves too.
    I will not be posting on this site again. I just wanted to educate some of you on how to find out the truth which is all public record but in the proper places not on the internet.
    Don't you remember when you were in college and your professor told you that they wanted real research. You were specifically told not to rely on the internet for facts because it is not always factual. This is no different.

  72. I posted the previous comment. There was one point that I forgot to make. The misdemeaner that Chrissy Weems was charged with happened several days after the arrest of Susan Brock. At that time when the media reported the story I remember discussing it with some of my friends. No one believed the story at the time. Susan Brock was the wife of our county supervisor who was respected in our community. They were known to be a prominent and good family in the community. We all thought that the story must not be true. Of course to all of our surprise we later learned otherwise.
    My point is that if someone who you thought that you knew was charged with something like that initially it would shock you. You would not believe it. I think that it is unfair to say that she defended a sex offender. She initially defended her friend several days after she was arrested. That was it.
    When you read the story on the internet it sounds like she was in support of Susan Brocks behavior. If you actually research what happened this was several days after the arrest of Susan Brock and the records actually state that she never destroyed evidence.
    Also I was surprised to find out that the boys parents were actually good friends with the Brocks and that they remained friends until someone called them to share information that they had found out.
    To initailly defend a friend is something we would all do. I know I would. I think that something so hideous would be hard to imagine your friend doing. Susan Brock deceived everyone, the boys parents, her parents, her children, her husband and her other friends Chrissy Weems being one of them. For gosh sakes people go down to the courthouse this is all public record!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also in regards to being religous I myself am a Christian. There is a commandment thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Some of you are not only bearing false witness but you are crucifying this woman. What did Christ teach about judging? How many times are we supposed to forgive 7 times 7.
    We should all have a friend such as Chrissy Weems who would so readily trust us and come to our defense. For all we know one of her boys could have been the next victim of Susan Brock.

  73. Oh me again,previous post,after rereading some of your posts I wanted to comment on something said. According to court records she never wore an ankle bracelet. Due to her good reputation in the community she did not even have to post any bond. She was initially arrested and immediately released, no prison time. Her sentence was one year probation. Given how the media was all over the Susan Brock case if there would have been something they would have charged her. Leaving the child in the car was not even taken into consideration so that had to something that the media blew up too.
    Please think of the little girl who started this company. You are attacking a minor. I wasn't going to say anything but I think that you might need some help. I am going to check into laws of adults bullying a minor. I thought that authorities monitored that on the internet. I am going to report this website to the authorities because you are attacking a minor. I remember a story where someone was charged with doing something like this and the child actually committed suicide. Your words are too harsh for a minor to digest. I know that Anderson Cooper has covered stories such as this and has recently aired a special on minors and bullying and suicide. Also Fox news did something as well.I am certain there are laws aainst this. I am reporting you and this website.

  74. Hello all,

    I was looking into becoming an Origami Owl designer, but after reading this about the founder I will certainly not be joining this company. It's sad to see individuals that are backing her up! Thanks all for filling me in!

  75. The truth and facts back her up. We will all be seeing you on the evening news for bullying a minor.

  76. I am so glad that someone who lives in Chandler, AZ spoke up on behalf of the bullying and the back story.

    The media is consistently wrong in so much of what they say and people are gullible enough to believe it.

    I am in 100% of Origami Owl, the founder who is amazing and her mom.

    I sell the product, I love the company, and I love that this site and the abusive behavior is going to be reported.

    People who choose NOT to join O2 have that right. And quite frankly, I'm glad when they decide not to join. Heaven help all of us if these negative people did join.

    The world is so full of hatred and cynics. But goodness prevails.

    I agree that the bullies are turned in especially for being such cowards to bash a young girl through the internet.

    Bella is a beautiful girl and her mom and awesome! I am blessed to have met them both at our fall meeting last year. I cannot wait until the July meeting!

    Thank you Chandler poster! Thank you!


    the girl from Oz. :)

  77. Hello Everyone,

    To the Chandler Poster (probably Christian Weems herself) and the girl from Oz, NICE FACTS! With regards to the child left in the car seat, Christian seems aka Chrissy was arrested. The prosecution decided not to press charges. Any child left in a car is child endangerment in the hot summer of Arizona. Yes, arrested and booked no way around that argument.

    To the so called media mis-representing the story, Christian Weems was charged to 5 different counts, many of them felonies, apparently your research isn't that well documented. The amazing thing about our criminal system, since I am educated and apparently you 2 are not, is the ability to plea for a lesser conviction, such as computer tampering by pleading guilty which she did. To avoid embarrassment. Apparently you have never witnessed a murderer plea bargain for a lesser sentence by admitting guilt. Learn the law, she was arrested, guilty, and admitted such to avoid spending time in prison. Nice role model ladies.

    Christian Weems did not prevent any such toxic waste dump from being built in Chandler. She helped to stop the growth of the transfer station for your trash can near her home. Mind you, she built a home next to the city dump. So if your trash is toxic waste please report it immediately to protect you and your children.

    With regards to abusive behavior and bullying. The only one who has made a threat so far is the Oz woman with regards to a house falling on me. It's amazing how anyone who speaks the truth is considered abusive. You don't like my posts because you have no proof or evidence to the contrary.

    In fact Oz woman in one of your post you claim you did not believe the marketing pitch about the founding of Origami Owl and then in a later post say you do. The amazing thing about a lie is you have to try and remember the previous one so as not to mix up your story.

    Once again, the truth hurts. By the way just because you live in Chandler with its 200,000 plus residents does not make you a credible source. I lived in Chandler during all of this and don't claim to be an expert just a teller of the truth. Go ahead and sell your charms, keep lining the pockets of a woman who has "really" bullied a child, by leaving them in a hot car, and "really" pleaded guilty to crimes surrounding the case of a pedophile. She is grateful for it I am sure.

  78. This blog has made my day, I was researching this lady for a friend that was interested in the product and man- o-man, I can't believe all the dirt I have discovered about her.

    To the individual that posted above me, you are spot on about this Christian Weems individual. Every story you mentioned has solid truth, and I couldn't help but laugh when you mentioned Christian writing on her own blog hahahahahahahaha...who does that!

    Finally, to the lady that was going to report this blog: first you must plan to report everyone because they are bashing this lady, and secondly I haven't seen the story on the news yet, apparently "Call 12 for Action" wouldn't bite on this story.

    Thanks everyone for the insight!


  79. ___________________________________



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  81. ___________________________________


  82. This post is for all of the posters who have attempted to ruin the reputation of a minor named Isabella.

    You are all adults who have accused a minor of being a liar and a fraud.

    You have stated that she is no smarter than a brick.

    You have bashed her and called her music crappy.

    You have tried to tarnish a young teenage girls dreams by calling her product cheap and her company a scam.

    Many other negative and hateful things have been impied in your posts.

    You have done this to support your own agenda without one thought about the damage that your statements can have on a young mind.

    I have an idea for a charm that Isabella can make for you and here it is.

    I am...


  83. I am happy to know that I did NOT choose Origami Owl to work for and I am just appalled at the actions of all three women - it's disgusting!!

    Love working for South Hill Designs!
    Looking to change over:

  84. Only a person with no class, character,or interity would make the last post.Anything for a buck.
    Shame on you!

  85. Everyone keeps mentioning "bullying a child" that is such a load of garbage! Its not our fault her mother is a loser! She plead guilty....I don't care who told her to plead guilty.....God could have told her.....she plead guilty....she us disgusting to know what her friend was doing to this boy and trying to help her cover it up! What if this was your kid? Would you be so fond of her and her charms then!

    It makes sense why a new company opened its looks to me that many of the people here are so disgusted and stopped having ant affiliation with this crazy woman and her company!

    I left too and I am happy to say I am with its competition and very happy to have no ties to OO and her.....who knows what she will be in the media about next!!! Wake up people!!!!

  86. Only a person with no class,character or integrity would post the last comment. Anything for a buck. Shame on you!

  87. Holy Buckets!

    You people REALLY need to get a life off of the computer if you are going to argue back and forth over some stupid MLM scam.

    Oh wait, that might make someone mad :) (And no I am not "smiley")

    I was researching the company, seriously considering checking into it, but yeah ... not so much now.

    I will go buy the pieces wholesale and guess what .. KEEP ALL OF THE PROFIT! I won't have to pay anyone anything to get my money back .. just buy my pieces and set up a booth! Easy peasy! :)


  88. I love Origami Owl and am proud to be a rep.

    I was thinking about how much good we've all done in such a short amount of time.

    The beauty of America is we have so many choices. If the poster wants to buy wholesale, I say, "go for it!"

    If a person wants to be angry over another's success, I say, "go for it!"

    America...where we have opportunity to think for ourselves, conduct research, make an honest living, and give people a chance to improve their lives.

    I have to laugh at the comments about "I'm not going to make XYZ rich." people are kind of stupid. You line the pockets of politicians and corporate CEO's, serve pedo's daily in your service jobs and you don't even know it.

    I seriously pray for you angry folks that you get a life.

    I love O2 and am proud to support and sell it. And I'm 50+ yo. With age comes sensibility.

  89. New rumors are starting to surface that lead me to believe there is more to come on the topic of Chrissy Weems. She will read this and know what I am talking about.

  90. Origami Owl is supposed to be founded on "A Force for Good" but is actually founded on dishonesty, greed, and evil. You should be ashamed of yourself if you are connected to this disgusting empire. There is evidence of wrong doings to many employees, designers, customers, and innocent victims. Shame on all who are associated with OO (Origami Offense).

  91. WOW, I left OO a few months ago not because of this but because they don't know how to run a company. Now seeing this I am really glad I am no longer a part of this evil.

    Origami Owl and Chrissy aka Christian Weems shame on you for bringing a young girl into this mess to try and cover up your wrong doings.

  92. These falsehoods are being watched. It is against the law to post things to try to ruin a persons reputation that simply are not true.

  93. What falsehood would that be??

    Is this true?

    Or how about this??

  94. This website is being watched.

  95. The public also hopes it is being watched. Posting the truth is not defamation, nor is it slander…. So go ahead and post any FBI website link you want.

    Are you trying to tell me this ABC15 news spot is a falsehood? If so, you might want to send them the anti-bullying link you like to post. Maybe they will remove it from YouTube for you. ;)

    Sorry… forgot this one from the Phoenix NewTimes, but why am I wasting my time. I'm sure this is a "falsehood" as well:

  96. This website is being watched.

  97. Ah yes, but who is watching the Corporate apartment...Everyone at the Nest knows what I am talking about...LOL...

  98. Listening to Chrissy / Christian in her jailhouse conversation with Susan Brock is the creepiest thing of all. Check it out and tell me this doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

    ABC News:

  99. I just returned from their first National Conference and Chrissy shared her story with all of us. I am not here to judge her but I do wish I had known this before becoming associated with this company. It has saddend me to learn all of this and now I must make a decision based on my beliefs. I hate feeling that I have been duped!

  100. Did she share this story about Susan Brock at the conference?

  101. Manipulation Techniques of a Female Sex Offender – Presented by Deputy County Attorney Jason Holmberg and Sergeant Chris Perez

    Sex Offender Susan Brock is the 49 year old wife of Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock (an influential elected official). Susan Brock began grooming her male victim when he was just 11 years old and continued until he was 17. Police arrested Susan Brock and learned she had instructed her young victim to communicate using code through draft e-mails, which were undetected on handheld devices. She coerced him to lie to his parents and meet her in exchange for money. During the investigation, Susan Brock’s adult daughter was also discovered to have molested the same boy. The daughter was arrested and charged with molestation. Attendees will examine evidence, police and media reports, as well as audio and video recordings of interviews. They will learn manipulative techniques employed by Susan Brock to dupe her victim, his family, and members of their Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints in order for her to have access to the minor. Additionally, the case agent and the prosecutor will teach attendees effective investigatory tools to successfully win in the courtroom.

  102. Read about the victim and his parents and understand that Susan Brock, close friend to Chrissy Weems, is a Monster serving 13 years in federal prison. Also know that Chrissy Weems pleaded GUILTY to tampering with evidence to help this Monster. Read the Arizona Republic, listen to her in her jailhouse conversation on ABCNews. I bet she positioned this as propaganda, lies and exploitation of herself. I bet she even tried to position herself as the victim. Its all a big misunderstanding, etc. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

    If your child was the victim, how you you feel?

  103. I find it so odd that people bought into her story that she shared at the OO conference. Really??? I believe in the adage "The truth needs no defense, it defends itself." Why in the world would she even bring this up to the women who are working so hard to make her company great? One word Narcissist!! How bizarre that these designers believed what she was saying. What about the victim in this sad tale???

  104. Its nice to see the truth come out. It's a true blessing that we live in an age where someone like Chrissy Weems and Susan Brock cannot bury their horrible crimes in their past and pretend to be someone else. I do feel bad for those tricked by Chrissy because no one likes to feel stupid. But, those People deserve to know the truth. If I knew my best friend's Boyfriend was cheating on her I would tell her so she could stop the exploitation. The truth has to be told, the victim and his family deserve that at a minimum.

  105. I would really like to know what "story" she shared at the conference. I'm a former designer with Origami Owl and I found out about her guilty plea earlier this year. Customers love the lockets, but the way the corporate office is terrible! Many of those who attended the conference are now calling her so brave to have shared her "story". What exactly did she say!

  106. To the last poster...if you want to know what she said, you shouldn't have quit.

    The home office is amazing and so is leadership. I learned about it earlier this year as well and it didn't change anything.

    It is sad that so many of you pass judgment. lol...and how many of you pretend to be christians? If you are, then you would be able to see the real story.

    You shouldn't have quit. You chose poorly.

  107. REALLY?! I shouldn't have quit - talk about passing judgement!!! "You chose poorly" is about the most judgmental thing you could say to someone you don't even know! You have no idea my reasons for quitting.

  108. OK people are you serious? I just got off the phone trying to explain to a neighbor why I will not come to her Origami Owl party, I was shocked, she started telling me the most outrages story of how Origami Owl and Chrissy Weems is being portrayed by people and that it is all a lie: I took the time to educate her to the truth, and then I sought to see how my sweet neighbor could be so mis guided ...lying bloggs, desperate mis-guided designers and a great PR firm is how!! I came across this sight along with many others filled with the real truth and then others who have FAKE TRUTH!. Lets get some facts straight: Chrissy Weems is not portraying the real truth. I think all of you will feel really duped when the rest of the truth rears its ugly head one day. When Susan Brock and others quit protecting Christian because she thinks Christian Weems is still her loyal friend. Christian Weems motto was "FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT" How do I know this, well she gave a talk to ladies at church one night and said that it was her Motto to live by. I never took her serious, most saw right through her and I felt totally sad for the women around me who believed her because they did not want to be "JUDGMENTAL" well people you must make judgements sometimes!. Thats part of life and learning lesson of honesty and deceit. I suppose maybe she taught Susan Brock how to "FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT' when it came to this boys family, gaining their trust. Chrissy was also way to involved with several familes in the Chandler area and their sons. I was there and watched it, but admired many of the families and assumed it was all on the up and up-probably was, but.... I now realize they were scammed too. So Now-today... Christian Weems Faked it using Bella and her 3/4 made up story and now "CHRISSY WEEMS" is what she calls "MAKING IT"!!!!!! As for all of you who are worried about Bella and the child abuse going on in these post, well talk to my friend who's son was the one molested by CHRISSY'S friend. Yes, CHRISSY knew there was lots of inappropriate not normal relationships and behaviors going on. Probably not exactly what, but called many local leaders on Susans behalf, chastising them for their treatment of Susan and for supporting the family of the boy in trying to keep Susan and the boy apart. Called the boys mother several times "trying to be of help in negotiating the problem" FACT!!! And yes, there will be more to come on CHRISSY'S total involvement when people are ready to talk openly, but out of respect to the boys family no one is speaking up YET! I assume they want the boy to be a little older and ready for the backlash all this info will bring to an already broken hearted family who has been torn apart. Many people are wearing thin with Christians ability to spin this story for her gain. So if anyone is abusing a child it is Chrissy- for her gain, and the pathetic people on here who claim most people do not know the whole story. Wake up people, if you did not know CHRISSY WEEMS before Origami Owl, you do not know the truth! So, to set it straight. I do not sale South hill designs, not a disgruntle ex origami Owl designer! Not a bully, But I am someone who knows Chrissy personally, I do know the whole truth behind the boys abuse, the Origami Owl Story and I know a lot of people who were stepped on and abused by Chrissy to get to where she is today. I do not fake it till I make it, I just understand that the world is full of lying and deceitful people who would deceive their own family and friends, to make a penny, and this company is one who will, because it is based on a bunch of spun lies and almost truths. A FAKE only last so long, but TRUTH last forever!!!!!!

  109. "Fake it until you make it" is a term coined a long time ago. You might want to educate yourself. Read the link posted after you read this quick, snip.

    The term was coined by sociologist Robert K. Murton to describe a phenomenon that dates back to Ancient Greece. Basically, a prediction about the outcome of a situation can invoke a new behavior that leads to the prediction coming true. For example, if I believed that I was going to fail an exam, that belief may have led me to alter the strategies I used for preparation and taking the test, and I would probably fail it.

    Link to self-educate:


    Peace and love...

  110. Susan Brock is old enough to be Chrissy Weems mother. For those of us who know Chrissy we KNOW that she was manipulated and duped just like the boys family was, just like the church leaders were, and just like Susan's family,children, and other friends were. For those of us who know Bella we recognize what an amazing young woman she is especially having to endure the things that are being said about her and her family. You can post negative posts until the cows come home and we will never believe any of it. We KNOW Chrissy Weems. We KNOW Bella. For the person who is so desparate to try to destroy Chrissy...God bless you! I pray that you find peace and that your heart will be filled with love instead of such ugly hate.



  112. This statement is seems odd..."Susan Brock is old enough to be Chrissy Weems mother."
    ....When you watch the ABCNews story of how Chrissy Weems got busted for tampering with evidence to get the child molester out of Jail, you see a side by side mug shot of Weems and Brock. They look about the same age to me. Here is the news piece on YouTube

    If Susan Brock is really that much older its extra disgusting what she did that that poor child.

    I doubt the last poster knows these monsters at all. They likely "know" the marketing and Spin, not the actually people. Look through the comments on this board, you will see tons of Chandler residents who really know Chrissy Weems BEFORE Origami Owl and really know the type of person she is AND what happened with her CLOSE FRIEND Susan Brock. People who are working and making money off of Origami Owl/Chrissy Weems and whose only facts are a spin story that Chrissy told at the OO conference are simply not credible.

    The facts are everywhere in this case. ABCNews, The Arizona Republic, East Valley Tribune, The New Times, The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and Prosecutor, and mercifully, the family of the Victim.

    Chrissy Weems cannot re-write history to cover up what she did. She and her minions would be better off accepting and apologizing for what they did instead of trying to convince everyone some spun story. If the "queen of narcism" could do that, and finally take responsibility for her crimes, maybe the healing could begin. Unfortunately, it looks like the pattern of lies will continue for Chrissy.

  113. The media has zero credibility and most with intelligence are aware of it.

    BTW...teenage boys who ARE victims are those at the hands of Jerry Sandusky. These boys have been victimized.

    And 8 yo bride wives are victims. You haters have issues.

    Praying for haters to heal. I love OO and am so proud to be part of it.

    lolol..the media, ABC, NBC? lol...might as well call it XYZ...regardless...the media is jaded.

    Yes...proud to be earning an honest living selling my product and sharing it with so many. Paying off bills and doing good things for people.

    Later Hater!

  114. I live in Chandler and am a member of the ward where all of this happened. I think if you would step back and look at yourself you might be shocked to realize who you are actually serving. I know the boys parents. What happened was awful. NO ONE should ever have to go through what that child went through. My heart aches for that family. As much as you want to believe that Chrissy had malice in her heart you are wrong. They attended the same ward. The media blew that up as if they were best friends. You know how wards are. They are not the same age Susan is actually about 13 years older than Chrissy. Their children are not the same age. Yes they were friends. I can tell you that when this story broke on the news not one person believed it. You can post all that you want. In case you have forgotten our faith believes in Jesus Christ. Our faith believes in forgiveness. Remember Saul who became Paul. Oh and have you forgotten that Joseph Smith spent time in Liberty jail and was murdered in Carthage jail. According to your loic that makes him guilty. He wasn't and neither was Chrissy. Chrissy had her day in court. Chrissy spoke with her church leaders. There was no discipline. Why don't you post your name so we can take all of your posts and send them to President Monson. Lets ask him if this is how a proper disciple of Christ should act. Lets ask him if your behavior is helping the Savior or making a laughing stock out of our faith. Most people do not even think that we belive in Christ. Anyone reading your posts would definately think that we have no idea what he teaches. You need to ask yourself if your ego is more inportant that the mission of our Lord. Again take a look at your behavior and ask yourself who you are really serving. Now here is a really big one for you...Christ would teach that we should all forgive Susan Brock. I do because I am his disciple. Are you his disciple?

  115. Omg really ..... Chrissy hold your head high...I will stand her or in front of her. This wonderful women has done nothing wrong....when you point your fingers remember you have 3 pointing back at YOU. Get a life... You don't know the BIBLE .....

  116. If you where at the conference she gave you a opportunity to Get Up And Leave ....... She's a awesome lady no one is perfect. I am so proud she got up there and told HER Story's recorded for all so dig it up.... If you don't like OO stop selling it let my other 100 get in that know the truth...

  117. Loveeeeeeeeee OOOOOOO22222222

  118. Your right, even Pedophiles need a good BFF to try to get them off the hook and keep them in the ol' molesting business.

    You ladies disgust me. If it were your family member who was molested you would be singing a different tune. What does it say about our country that we have people like you who care about money rather than innocent children.

    By the way, I have an awesome bridge to sell you. Also, David Koresh would like to schedule a conference call with you when your available to discuss joining his team.

  119. Your right, even Pedophiles need a good BFF to try to get them off the hook and keep them in the ol' molesting business.

    You ladies disgust me. If it were your family member who was molested you would be singing a different tune. What does it say about our country that we have people like you who care about money rather than innocent children.

    By the way, I have an awesome bridge to sell you. Also, David Koresh would like to schedule a conference call with you when your available to discuss joining his team.

  120. Blah blah your just jealous. .... we heard Her Story from her own mouth....Get a grip .....Don't throw stones at glasses houses. ..everyone has sinned...PLEASE DONT TELL ME YOU HAVENT...JUST CAUSE YOUR DIRTY SECRETS ARE NOT IN THE NEWS DONT MEAN YOU DONT HAVE ANY...Jesus asked us to forgive 7 times... yall are a joke and shame on the one who didn't STAND UP AND WALK OUT IF YOU WHERE REALLY UPSET... BLAH BLAH yall are lonely sicko women..

  121. Loveeeeee O22222 copycats are sad :(

  122. I love O2 too!! I heard it! Talk about it! Hoot-Ray!
    Beautiful night it was. Sooooooooo love being associated with our company. AMAZING people.

    Live and let live!

    Hip Hip Hoot-Ray! :)

  123. I love oo too !!!!!! Whoot hoot !!!! LOVE CHRISSY !!!!! TEAM CHRISSY !!!!!!

  124. Love 02 & Chrissy <3 nothing but love

  125. WHOOP WHOOP JUST MADE $3500.00 WITH OO PLUS MY BONUS!!!!! <3 ooooooo oooooooo


  126. Just watched the video and looked up the criminal record on Maricopa County's website. I'm all for not throwing stones at glass houses, but I have to admit, I would not wear the jewelry based on who own's the company. It's one thing to make a mistake, but when you listen to the actual phone recording between Christian Weems and Susan Brock, she was actively trying to pull the password information for the 'secret' account from Susan Brock. It wasn't just a matter of knowing about the pedophilia, she had played a part in protecting the disgusting behavior. Those of you who are quoting the Mormon religious beliefs, I thought that Mormons believe in seeking forgiveness but also having accountability for your actions. That poor boy and his family. I pray for him.

  127. Stop spreading your hate and lies! If you care so much for that family let the poor boy put it behind him. Do you think he wants to be the topic of your sick discussions for the rest of his life? Show some respect! Don't act like you care one bit about that boy! You want to make up lies about Chrissy and that is why you keep posting. Mormons do believe in accountability. Chrissy did not do ANYTHING WRONG ! You just want to spin the truth for your own agenda. Give it up and stop making a fool of yourself. Everyone can see right through you! You care about yourself, your agenda and nothing else! Blah Blah Blah Crawl back under your rock...the light might hurt you!

  128. Chrissy and all the people from O2 are such a positive force for good unlike all the negative posters from SPD Sour Puss Designs with their negative agenda. We live in an abundant wonderful world it is not necessary for you to try to bring others down so you can climb on top of them to get ahead. Be a force for good! God bless you!

  129. Sorry but SPD as you immature people call it, didn't need this story to jump over OO. OO did it to themselves with their terrible product, rude unprofessional Designers atrocious Customer Service!! Going on rants all over that their concept was stolen. Baloney, they did the stealing from several previous online vendors and then claimed it to be their own!!! You don't get 176 bad reviews with the BBB, 37 reviews on Pissed Consumer and a number of lawsuits against you from former employees by being a "Force For Good!!!

  130. Touche! Checkmate! Thank you! Your intention and negative agenda has been exposed. You are now naked. We knew it was you all along! All of the negative that you post could not even fill a thimble compared to all of the good and inspiration that O2 brings to others. Thank you for bringing all of your ugly into the light so that all can see it. Good does prevail. As I said before trying to bring down others is not a way to elevate yourself. Be a light! Be a force for good! God bless!

  131. Can someone please post the link where OO "respectfully" withdrew on the lawsuit against SHD. Some faithful OO designers are still standing by this monster because that is all they hear.

    Those that refuse to see the truth, money isn't everything, your time is coming. They aka chrissy will screw you eventually, they are not a force for good, they are a force for evil!

  132. Can someone please post the link where OO "respectfully" withdrew on the lawsuit with SHD? I want to share with some people.

    For those who are on the chrissy bandwagon, I ask you how you would feel if it was your child? Don't think that one day she and her company will screw you over, pun intended!

  133. There are so many real corrupt people putting food on your tables...but most of you do not know it because your boss or your spouses boss have not been caught doing REAL CRIMES.

    You can bash the product, the leaders, and everyone. And, I'm not concerned about the teenager. You are hurting him and his family by keeping this tragedy of Susan Brock alive. You are the sicko.

    You haters lack education and knowledge on so many levels. It is clear in your remedial attacks and media slanted bias.

    For these reasons, this is my last post.

    I am passionate about O2 and representing Origami Owl! A fabulous place to work and one that I am proud to be a "force for goodness!"

    I'm off now to sell my jewelry, build my team, and put food on my table. My head is held high as I sleep peacefully.

    Thank you to the executive leaders at O2! You gave me something to look forward to and a new beginning.

    With heartfelt love for Origami Owl!
    -Silent Supporter

  134. I love the dignity and class of O2. Good people just working hard. Keep sharing the love.

  135. Dignity and Class? Are you serious? Better yet are you getting paid or a part of O2? I promise if this were your child you wouldn't be so happy to support them. It really doesn't matter as they can't supply the demand anyway, wait till they launch the new fall product it will be the same old thing again. No financial backing because no one wants to be associated with that hot mess called Chrissy aka Chrisian. Even removing her from her spot cant change anything, she is still the one running the show.

  136. solve a polynomial equation

    solve x^2 + 4x + 6 = 0

  137. any people think of is tomatoes. There are hundreds of different varieties and the most difficult part is trying to decide which variety to grow. Local plant suppliers should carry varieties that are suited to your area

  138. The kitten is light gray with pale blue eyes. I can't wait until you see her. I think that she is about 8 weeks old. I forgot how playful they can be. I had a ball of yarn and it was so cute she just chased it all around the room.

  139. I will not be posting anymore either. I don't think that it is needed. I think that it is more than obvious that the negative poster is not of sound mind and needs to get some help. Also their posts are tasteless and quite frankly crude. a light! Be a force for good! God bless and to the negative poster...get thee hence!

  140. I was in O2 and have left because of many reasons, one being that the whole "Bella" story is fake and then there are all the problems they always have with having stock. I heard the company was recently sold...Well, there are other "locket" companies out there now and Our Hearts Desire is brand new and free to join so..I joined and I love the leather locket bracelets! If you want more info email me at

  141. This work was the primer for all cataloging of roses, even for today’s rose plants, including Floribunda, Grandiflora, Hybrid Tea and Polyantha roses.

  142. I've always wondered if the inventory problems were a cash flow problem. It just doesn't makes sense that they could run out of such basic items as their lockets. You know you have the demand plus the sales force to sell, but you still run out. Why wouldn't you order more? It was convenient that strikes happened in Hong Kong, but that is over now. Must be lack of financial backing.

  143. The first three generations hatch from their cocoon state (also known as the pupa or chrysalis state) and live for up to six weeksThey won’t harm humans, but the chemicals from the milkweed plant that they eat when they are in the larvae stage builds up inside of them and gives them a poisonous defense against predators like frogs, birds, mice and lizards.

  144. begin with. A good pickling cucumber is one that is fully grown, but still that bright green color. Next, you have to make your pickle juice. Start by boiling equal parts water and vinegar, then add your spices. This is where you can get really creative and add as little or as much flavor as you want. You can buy pre-mixed pickling spices, or make your own combinations

  145. I agree that OO doesn't have the financial backing, why else would they be out of stock on so many things. The true test is going to be when they launch the new fall product, which I heard the bracelet is already pushed, will they have the same problem?

    Posting about flowers and veggies wont change things, it just makes all those designers that support Chrissy aka Christian Weems look even crazier than you are.

    Waitlister who got smart didn't sign up!

  146. Hmmmmm, let's post about kittens, pickles, and flowers....people won't want to wade through the comments to find the pertinent information.....NOT! C'mon, first they threaten that the FBI is "watching" us and now these silly random posts.

    As much as O2 designers want to tout their company, it could go down in a flash just like Gigi Hill. Here one day, gone the next.

    O2 designers are being fed lies. I spoke to one who received information at the conference that the bracelets were exclusive and "patent-pending." Seriously, you can order them online now with other companies for half the cost. The lockets were not Bella's idea, she was one of many suppliers of the lockets that are made overseas.

  147. In north-central France, from Paris south through the Loire River Valley, and then on to Bordeaux and the Bay of Biscay, precipitation amounts are light and the summer temperatures average in the high 70's.

  148. Europe

    Widely acknowledged to be one of the world's great cuisines, the food of France is also one of the most well known around the world. The French were the first to codify their repetoire into standard recipes. Butter, cream and cheese are used to luscious results in the north of the country. Southern Provencal cuisine works miracles with olive oil, fresh herbs and abundant seafood.

  149. Bigfoot has been spotted in several areas acroos the United States. He is large about 7 feet tall. He is brown and furry. He lives in wooded areasnear lakes where he can get water. He lives a very isolated life.

  150. Lollipops

    Cotton Candy

    Red Lipstick



    I love them all.

  151. Turtles



    Wet grass


    Rainy days

    All ood things



  154. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day which was against the rules. It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.

  155. Christmas is a beautiful time of the year. I love the snow that falls outside in my trees. At night everything is white and so very peaceful. The smell of baked gingerbread baking in the oven is one of my favorite things.

  156. Chrissy Weems is a protector of a child molester, go ahead with your childish acts. Look at OO website its a kids place.

    I can and will post the link to her mugshot everyday!


    Keep protecting Chrissy, I just hope one day you don't have to deal with the same situation with our child, its people like all you who are blind as to why we have so many children molested.

  158. Birthday parties are easy to plan. First think about the people that you will be inviting. Then think about the the party theme. Of course you will need to know how many people will be attending. Refreshments are a must. You will need to have some sort of a drink. Will you be serving dinner or finger foods? Cupcakes or cake? Have fun at your next party.

  159. Life is a party or it can be if you choose to make it one. Always be your best. Strive to have a good attitude. Hold your head high. Of course remember to have fun.

  160. fixed distances between constituent parts.

    b. The unit cell of such a pattern.

    c. Such objects considered as a group

  161. Park beches




    Jelly beans


    Have you ever had rocks in your head?


    Hot dogs

  162. Fostering takes dedication and patience. Rescued dogs may have been abused or neglected, and need special care and attention before their true personalities emerge

  163. Flying saucers are real so are crop circles.







  164. Crop circles

    Crop circles

    Crop circles

    Crop circles

    Crop circles

  165. I have a deep love for little green men.snDever

  166. Lets try and hide the truth with random annoying posts, just like Christian Weems did when she changed her name to Chrissy and dyed her hair black. Sorry the random posts don't mask the truth. All the other posts are still there. Cash flow problems anyone?

  167. Brushing keeps your dogs coat in good shape. Natural oils give the coat a beautiful shine. They need to be bathed frequently. Many companies make products that are good for your dog.

  168. Olive oil is very good for you. It is a good fat. Do not be afraid to eat it.

  169. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  170. Joint pain can be very serious. Individuals who type can experience joint pain. Wearing a special glove that supports the hand can be very helpful. Resting from typing can also help.

  171. Sally sells shells down by the sea shore. Try saying that really fast. Another one is Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickeled pepers then where is the peck of pickeled peppers that Peter Piper pecked.

  172. Skip








  173. Sherlock was convinced when he stumbled upon the empty botlle of black hair dye that he was on to something but everyone knows that Sherlock is no fashionista.





  174. How now brown cow

    How now brown cow

    How now brown cow

    How now brown cow

  175. Sunsets are so beautiful. All of the rich colors of red, orange, and yellow ignite the sky. They bring such a feeling of peace.

  176. April





  177. You can use lemons to make all kinds of things. You can make lemon meringue pie, a lemon cake and lemon cookies. Some people like to put lemon in their water to add a little flavor.

  178. apples










    So good for you!

  179. I want to say I am amazed at the immaturity of the OO people, but honestly it doesn't surprise me. How about you try and sell that crap rather than spend all day posting about berries? You all deserve each other!

    BTW google Chrissy, her mugshot is still the first thing that comes up. The more you post about berries here the more google keeps it up top.

  180. Guardian angels watch out for you when you might get into trouble. They are known to stop bad things from happening to people. Some people do not believe in them.

  181. My favorite subject in school is math. I love numbers.








  182. FUN






  184. sugar is so sweet

    sugar is so sweet

    sugar is so sweet

    sugar is so sweet

    sugar is sweet

    sugar is sweet

  185. apples






  186. apples








  187. Your posting was nothing but an attempt to convince yourself that you are not as star struck as you know you are and that you do not work for questionable group of people. Pretty sure you must be one of those O-2 designers. No one else would support this company.

    Why are some people easily conned and others aren't? The most common reasons are vulnerability, genuine good heartedness or susceptibility to get-rich-quick schemes.

    (1) Vulnerability is the unlocked window through which con artists climb into your confidence. This vulnerability usually involves loneliness or desperation regarding money, such as being heavily indebted or having business financial problems. Another common vulnerability is just being unhappy with one's life and looking for a quick and easy way to improve it. Vulnerability opens a person to the kindness or cleverness of strangers and often clouds a logical mind with the haziness of hope and promises.

    (2) Like an innocent child trusting an adult who emotionally damages them for life, good-hearted people are sitting ducks for con artists. How can you tell a genuinely loving person to be suspicious of everyone? You might as well acknowledge that there is no hope for true human goodness.

    (3) Getting rich quick has become a national pastime as state lotteries and casino gambling burgeon all over the country and unsophisticated investors used the stock market as a roulette wheel in the '90's. So, it is hard to judge people like the victim who withdrew $5,000 from her checking account to give to perfect strangers in a bank parking lot. She thought the "investment" she was making to a foreign charity would make her a quick profit. Instead, she ended up with a bag full of shredded newspaper and a life-time memory of betrayal by two men whose names she didn't even know.

    By definition, when you are conned it means you had a personal relationship with the con artist. They convinced you that they would do something for you - something that would benefit you. They looked you right in the eyes and said, "Trust me," and you did.

    And don't think that just because you have an education you are too smart to be fooled by a con artist. Department of Justice studies show that people with some college or a college degree are the most susceptible to con artist scams.

    You probably someone who named one of your lockets after your founder Chrissy(Not Bella) "The Ponzi locket"... Founders favorite!!!!. You O2 people are a pathetic bunch of dirty money lovers!

  188. everyone they are doing this new guessing game for the sex of a baby.............

    it was born 2 months ago hahaha

    next time keep up with it! It was a good try though by you all!

    By the way the comment above mine is has my approval!

  189. Check out the new story on about OO and Chrissy Weems.



    The FIRST Suppliers have been selling the Lockets and Charms in the USA SINCE 2002.
    NOT A CHILD OF 14 !!!!
    They bought the components….. RIGHT….


    They ALSO copied the other companies Designs and just their name on it. They did not even place their name on the lockets or place the logo on the jewelry when they started selling the lockets and charms.

    If you ever saw their first Facebook page you would clearly see all the Lockets & Charms they bought from the suppliers in the USA since 2002. Their O2 Facebook is new because they did not want anyone to see who they purchased from to copy the collection
    They even copied other people’s jewelry and made it into a little charm. Then they try to copy write the charms.

    What is this about a Patent Pending on a New Locket that was already made in 2002. You cannot Patent a locket that they never designed. The slide lockets have been around since 2002 and have evolved to the open book locket’s.


    Anyone wants to CALLENGE THIS CONTACT THE LARGE SUPPLIERS IN THE USA. They have all the receipts and can prove they have LIED TO THE PUBLIC

    They only make money off their conventions.

    $250.00 for each person times how many people attend. The sales of the products did not total the lie showing what they really make off the collection.

    Visit the Better Business Bureau. Much information about how they conduct business is there for the public to view.

    This CROCK OF LIES have only been going since December 2011.

    The Mom now has a nickname and dyed her hair black to hide her PUBLIC ARREST RECORDS.

  191. All you white people??? That was a really bizarre post. The facts in this case say it all. Anyone not drinking the Kool Aide can see that. There really is nothing more to say.

  192. Just check the facts people, that is all you need to do. Chrissy is a scammer and unfortunately her daughter is caught up in this lie. Money does crazy things to people, really sad.

  193. They say they are a force for good, but knowing some of the "designers" they are definitely a force for evil. Chrissy and her sister and brother in laws, then count on your hand the top level people, they are all flat out evil people!

  194. Is this lady still on probation? She should be in jail!

  195. I wonder who had the knowledge to set up the sales program for OO? Anyone know the man behind the scenes who had prior experience in the Direct sales & marketing? I guess Chrissy followed those instructions well, made millions!

  196. This comment has been removed by the author.

  197. Here is a fact: All of you people who are posting here defending Chrissy and supporting Chrissy LACK A MORAL COMPASS. You are willing to turn a blind eye to this woman's lying, manipulation and immoral nature so you can EARN A BUCK. YOU LACK A MORAL COMPASS and you should spend your time looking inward and casting out the evil venomous being inside you….because it's going with you when you die…..NOT that might mighty dollar you are making off her. P.S. Stop hiding behind anonymity (ANONYMOUS) and come up with a clever name.
